Boku no hero academia

What the FUCK did todoroki mean by this? Why is he willing to redeem his serial killer bro but still cant forgive his dad?

Attached: its over.png (319x361, 130.97K)

Bad writing

there's already a thread , check the catalog before making one next time

He likes noodles

i mean, aside from that.

It’s not bad writing it’s just corny.

so its bad writing

No, this will backfire at him so bad, he will take things seriously.

Meh. You guys are overreacting

Why not? KnY with Tanjiro did that all the time and look how beloved that is. If he still kills him after that, it's fine

Because he did a complete 180. There was nothing to suggest before this that he had any interest in forgiving Dabi especially considering Dabi tried to roast him alive.

The difference is that his dad is apologetic, so fuck him.

I think I know why this series pisses me off. For a superhero society, barely anyone acts like a superhero. Instead most characters are just cops with powers, still held back by the law and getting pissy with anyone doing the right thing.

it's not an overreaction but rather a disappointment. Shoto keeps reminding his father that he needs to stop Dabi for 6 or 8 chapters, then we get this sip line of him wanting to eat with someone who makes his family suffers. nips said it better
>>"still gives his father a hard time but willing to share an udon with a mass murderer who tried to kill him"

Tanjiro's sister didn't kill anyone, dude

are you a nip by any chance?

But that's exactly how superhero stories are portrayed as, there's not a morally grey area for the "good guys" to move within.

it feels like backpedaling to me. that or hori has a brain tumor

Shit. Was I a Punisher fan all along?

it is called building up a conflict.

there was no build up user, this came out of nowhere.

no, Shoto wants to understand what Dabi and Dabi wants to kill him. it's to make it more tragic

Does anyone feel like Todoroki's kindness will end with the worst situation? I feel like this is what Hori meant by the calm before the storm, something is really bad going to happen because of Shoto, someone will die or get really hurt because of him.

horis a coward, nothing bad will happen to todo