Does this anime have anything of value for a non-lolicon?

Does this anime have anything of value for a non-lolicon?

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It could turn you into one

You don't have to be a lolicon to enjoy some sexy naked girls.

The third series might have.

A lot less kissing than this board would make it seem, Mostly SoL with cute girls, and magical girls high jinks. Thought the kissing scenes are certainly some GOAT loli shit.

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You never know until you watch it.

why did you watch madoka?

Yes. It's a great mahou shoujo.

Luvia’s boobs

Best Shirou's incarnation

You tell me.

the best iteration of Shirou to date.

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And the sound track.

You will become one of us.

Madoka is not sexually charged at all.

For Non-lolicons? Sure thing.

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Kyoko tummy and diasy dukes disagree

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It was good for giving us more Caren, more Bazett and more Irisviel.

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Sadly for you not everyone shares your headcanon

Yes, it turns non-lolicons into lolicons, then you'll finally be able to appreciate all anime to its fullest.
