Femboy films

These madmen are gonna be like Icarus and reach too high and crash right? They are scanning film negatives directly, which no one else has done and gonna bring down the wrath of companies right?

>This would be where fans step in to plug the gap where commercial releases either aren’t or won’t be possible. But while groups of passionate animation fans have stepped in to restore and preserve Western animation, very few groups exist that are dedicated to anime history. One exception is the restoration group Femboy Films, which specializes in preserving classic Japanese media like mostly-forgotten Dr. Slump PSA anime specials, old theatrical trailers for Detective Conan and Disney, lost 1980s Shonen Jump TV commercials, and more. At the end of last year, it took on the task of preserving and restoring DAICON III.


Attached: daicon 3.png (1520x596, 1.3M)

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I can't believe femboys are going to save anime

>femboy films

>gonna bring down the wrath of companies right?
didn't they already get contacted once and everything ended fairly amicably

Yes, by Gainax and if anything it prodded Gainax into remembering that they made Daicon III and IV openings and then to get them to restore them. "Oh yeah. Guess we shoudl do that".

Your file is labeled daicon 3, but that is clearly the USS motherfucking Enterprise. It's even labeled NCC-1701.

yes, and the Enterprise appears in the Daicon III and IV opening animations.

yeah I just heard in passing, just read the article and it was a nice read
can't say I can really add anything to the conversation since I just got informed properly right now, respect what they're doing though

Don't they work for Discotek?

>These madmen are gonna be like Icarus and reach too high and crash right?
If toei hasn't shut down their youtube channel then what trouble would they be in?

would love for them to try searching for some real valuable lost shit

Did that daicon 3 thing ever release? I thought they got DMCA'd for it?

The 3 minute Pony Metal video would be insanely interesting and important. Only a shitty 20+ low resolution rip exists.


There's a chance a copy of the VHS tape might show up.

Attached: gaim.jpg (2728x4096, 2.51M)

They exist but they cost thousands. But that would only result in a good VHS rip. If film reels ever existed, they would cost thousands more. I can see that going on auction for 10K in Japan.

They didn't release film reels of it I don't think. The whole reason femboy films was able to salvage a 4K scan of Daicon III is because they sold 8MM film reels of it at the convention center in very small numbers.
This ad mentions VHS, so I don't think they were selling it on anything else. Maybe betamax?

>They didn't release film reels of it I don't think.

They didn't sell film reels of Kentarous no Densetsu either, but they show up on Japanese auction sites anyways.

Attached: mpv-shot0171.jpg (960x720, 100.46K)

That was a commercial product, it's different for fan works. There wouldn't be a master reel for it anywhere but the owner's hands. The people who made it would have to die & all their stuff would have to go for sale at auction for something like that to happen. That's if the original print even exists anymore. They've been pretty open on twitter about where they're sourcing these things. It's just japanese auctions.

Gainax in reality isn't going to touch Daicon at all. They were only reminded of it existence because someone else had the potential release it. Femboy films should just do it anyway.

It's out of spite. They know they can't release it. They own the main character & nothing else.

What's this I hear about japan going after anime youtubers & restorationists? Yahoo news japan's video player is blocked all of a sudden too. Was it always like that?

Which is why the other team should just do it. Do it don't advertise your doing it and release it low key. It'll get passed around enough that if what is left of Gainax has it taken down then it won't matter.

>Release it low key
>polygon just posted about it


I hate this word just say trap