Why did this make people so angry?

Why did this make people so angry?

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Can't you fucking zoomers think about anything not in terms of your precious controversies

They didn't show nipples in the anime or his turn altogether despite being almost memetic for this scene.

rape makes people shit and piss their pants, but they then go on to watch rape hentai and movies with excessive gore

in short, they're pearl-clutching hypocrites.

Straw man my guy. People who don't like goblin rape don't watch excessively gorey shit. Feel free to give us some proof otherwise

He said MOVIES with excessive gore, like halloween flicks for example. That shit is very popular, everyone has seen it.

People are hypocrites, pretending to have empathy for the victim. Even if it's fiction. This scene made me hard, I fapped like a king. After I saw the butthurt it caused, I fapped again. No regrets

No halloween flick has been popular for 2 decades. Have you seen the reaction to the recent Michael Myers films?

Who? I don't watch isekai shit

I'm no hypocrite, I just want nice shots of tits and the action because hentai doesn't have any fucking budget. Also, my victims can't be crying or in pain the entire time because it's hotter when they start out inconsolable and give in.

artificially generated twitter outrage

t. edgy 14 yr old


people expected typical anime girl being strong as fuck, oneshotting the ugly goblins but that didn't happen and she got raped instead

I'd rather they just swarmed and overpowered her with sheer numbers pulling down before she can knock them off. Would've showed more struggling while they rip her clothes off if she wasn't injured and been much hotter.

It's bait to get you into the series and it works.

Bait and switch is major faggotry.

The main issue with Goblin Slayer is that it's a dark fantasy full of people who think they are in a high fantasy, and the MC is the only one who seems to realize it. Making the protagonist seem smart in resourceful by making everyone else foolish is pretty cheap.

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women mad at a realistic portrayal of women in close quarters combat

She was doing fine until the hobgoblin ruined it and didn't even get a scene with her.

You seem very mad. You were clearly one of them.