Dude just join the JSDF

dude just join the JSDF

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Hey Itami, why the long face?

Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I'm a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

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Gate sucks.

one of the comfiest shows I have seen

It's mediocre. It might be the most middle of the road anime I've ever seen. It's not amazing but it's not terrible. It's watchable.

rory winning the itami bowl when

>worst girl winning the MC bowl
It's Japan, so probably any day now.

>tfw can't buy a pm-9
I know it's almost a mini uzi but still

I was entertained.

More like JIDF

Attached: gate.jpg (1643x750, 309.01K)

I'd build a star fort if I had the land

Ken-sama vs Rawhide Kobayashi, who would win?

fuck forgot the pic

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If one of them could get him, they all would.

I miss Gate when it was airing.

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Chad sama?

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Never, he's incredibly gay and will never do it.

Yvan eht nioj

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You'd have figured they couldn't fuck up bringing military to a fantasy world but they did

Which chapter is the one where the enemy forces despair at the overpowering might of the Japanese military?

This might be controversial to say, but I think a fantasy world that collides with the real, actual Japanese military/police sans embellishment and US support would be cool.

Instead we have GATE