How would you accomplish Light's stated goals using only the knowledge and resources he had at his disposal?

How would you accomplish Light's stated goals using only the knowledge and resources he had at his disposal?

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I wouldn't, because I'm not some egomaniac psychopath obsessed about my own status

Kill every politician, journalist, glowie, and celebrity
simple as

kill god

>needs L's name to kill him
I'd just threaten the world leaders to kill him for me, if they don't I'll kill them because I know their names and faces.

Killing dictators, any criminal I can find that hasn't been caught, and that's about it.

I wouldn't; Light's goals are retarded.

After the first test to see if the notebook works, set all later deaths to happen on the same day in 5 years time. Gives yourself 5 years worth of time to amass criminal names and frequently double check that you aren't giving yourself or your location away. You trade in the trickling of Kira news for a biblical event.

doesn't work with the 23 day rule, speedreader-kun

I'm sorry user... its been so many years...

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>would become a hired assassin
>disclose my work on darknet
>do the job without risking getting caught
>would become a millionaire killing people shamelessly
>use my money to gain influence and control the world

open telephone book and write all names down
then i wil get 100% if the baddies without revealing who im targeting

But how does this achieve Light's goal of stopping crime?

I wouldn't because how the fuck does one even find every single lazy person in the world?

Seems like the original mistake was twofold: (1) starting the killing in his home country; and (2) high-profile/non-natural deaths. That let L immediately narrow it down to Japan, which led to everything else. So the smart play would be to carefully scatter your kills across the world in as random-seeming a fashion as you can, using the most natural-seeming methods. It would take a very long time to even realize something was happening at all, let alone narrow it down to a specific part of the world. Maybe even intentionally weight the deaths so it could lead to a false assumption like the killer being American that would waste investigator time.

you're speaking with the benefit of hindsight. why would you plan around L's deduction when you don't even know there's someone tracking you and lining up the times of death with a japanese student's schedule?

But it’s a fair idea anyway, pick a date
in the future and amass a database of names and faces to kill in the meantime. When the time arrives, spend a 23-day period writing down all the names to die at the end of that 23-day period.
If you spend a conservative 6 hours a day writing names for 23 days, and taking about 15 seconds per name + date, you could easily get over 30,000 to die on that 23rd day. Targeting random criminals from around the world, this wouldn’t do much, but if your goal involved targeting influential people then it would be the most significant day in history.
And assuming that you were careful about building that database, there would be practically nothing tying you to the event.

True, but even without hindsight it stands to reason that you'd want to conceal yourself as much as possible. Just like with any murder, you'd want to eliminate as many connections to yourself, and draw as little attention, as possible.

It's easy, I lurk twitter and check people with blue marks.

>using the internet at all
congratulations, the police just caught you, retard. no, it doesn't matter how many proxies you're behind. not to mention, even if by some miracle the police ignored you, do you really think no one with the means to check would question how your sorry ass became a millionaire out of nowhere? attracting attention is the worst thing you can possibly do.

It's been a long time since I read DN, but isn't L's true identity unknown to everyone, even any government?

A big part of the issue too, is that Light fell for L's bait when he was broadcasting in his region. Had he just kept calm, it would have taken L a lot longer to find him.

Politicians and corporate executives

I'd execute the entirety of my parliament to make my presence known, then make powerful people write notes to piece together my demands that the death penalty be brought back and used randomly on the convict population, say 10 or 20,000 people a year. Small crimes or big you could get a bullet to the head and so they wouldn't be able to seed the criminal population with convicts only people in a certain area would know about in order to kill them. Because the governments are doing it for me, knowing they'll get punished if they don't I can then stop using the Death Note constantly meaning any other genius attempts to deduce who Kira is are impossible because he's no longer active in killing.

One problem was, what would the concrete end state of a win for Light even look like? His goals were something like creating a world free of crime and evil where he'd be a god or something. That's so nebulous as to meaningless in terms of making plans. What would achieving even that look like?

I wouldn't, because Ryuk made it clear that you'll end up in eternal purgatory if you use the book even once.

look all the names with stein and berg

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Yeah, Light didn't think big enough. Doing it personally by hand was stupid, panopticon extortion is the way. Maybe one or two random killings of powerful people now and then to keep the fear of God in them so they don't get complacent.

no, ryuk just said those who use the death note can't go to heaven or hell. he said that as a way to fuck with light, because heaven and hell don't exist in the death note universe. when they die people go to a place called mu and cease to exist.

I don't care about Light's goals, but damn I'll get rid of a lot of politicians and suits.