Mangas that can work as a live-actio

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>20th-century boys (if it had better director and cast)

>it didn't have the hammer scene

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It would work really well. But having an "ugly" MC for japanese productions is rare, isn't it?

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The movie changed almost everything besides the basic premise

>Squid games was decent enough

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> Live action that's better then the source material

Kaiji has 3 movies + 1 chinese knockoff

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It should've stick to the original material also Kaiji was a bit too handsome

With good budget & director, every (good) manga could work

Hollywood tried it and they were unsuccessful so you're wrong

The manga was shit and I was severely disappointed

& one punch man

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> hyodou is a woman

I will never watch those live action ones.

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Kaiji could've been peak adaptation but cast and director ruined it


Hyoudou is a man, user
ENDOU is a woman

I thought they made hyodou in the second movie into a woman.
When the second anime season started they had these commercial things advertising the movie in the beginning and end of the show and i couldve sworn they mentioned that.
When i downloaded the second season those things are cut from it(probably for size or relevance).
I never actually saw it, i have no intention to do so, but if im wrong i dont want to be spreading false info for those that might.

>Hollywood tried it and they were unsuccessful so you're wrong
Hollywood hasn't tried the "good director" part in decades