Oh yeah, that happened

Oh yeah, that happened.

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you can't prove that it did

FMA 03 was dogshit. In before "muh nostalgia bawwwwwwwwwwwwww"

Everyone makes fun of this but act like the zombies in brotherhood were fine (though yeh, roboarcher was pretty dumb)

FMA 03 was good but some parts were stupid and that's one of them

Why is his robot(?)(looks more like the alchemical dolls there, at least the face) side happier anyway.

Automail was shown to have a hard technological limit. They're good for replacement limbs, but this fucker was a full blown goddamn Terminator. Also, remember how Automail integration was supposed to take years of rehab? Even Lanfan's automail was poorly integrated due to only having a few months since it got attached. Her arm was bleeding half the time and falling apart the other. Now my memories of FMA 2003 are blurry, but I'm pretty sure not a lot of time has passed since Archer's "death" and his reappearance as the terminator. And fucker had half his body vertically across turned Automail.

Regarding the Zombies, in principle, it's no different from the Homunculi and even Alphonse. You know, Alchemy shit. And I'm a lot more lenient with Alchemy stuff since it's pretty much just fucking magic.

>but act like the zombies in brotherhood were fine
The final act of Brotherhood (and the manga by virtue of) falls apart during the conclusion. A complicated moral crisis for what is a life presented throughout the entire story is solved by punching a bunch of nameless enemies and going "no u" to a villain with no relation to any of the main cast. It's weak as shit and people always give it a pass

Oh yeah, that happened

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not in my headcanon

Any there any good Rose rape doujins?

I remember on about 2004 on IMDB message boards there was some thread by a weeb claiming that anime was superior to western shows because this guy was such a better villain than the Carver from Nip/tuck

and edgy kids still think this is superior. This is "And Rey was an android" levels of fanfiction

holy shit I remember that thread too

It plagued the nip/tuck board for like 10 years

Still a better love story than brotherhood.
The weird part isn't even that automail could replace half of his body, but that he survived without half of his body for the time it took to complete the procedure.

Rose was raped in ‘03?

After the war breaks out country wide there's a scene where the soldiers raid an orphanage she's working in, the break in to her some scared kids and then there's a cut away leaving their fate to guess

time skip later Ed reunites with her and everyone treats her like the virgin Mary (minus the virgin part) it is HEAVILY implied that one of the soldiers raped her because she is traumatized with severe PTSD that makes her mute until she says Ed's name.

It's pretty fucking grim but I unironically thought it was a cool way to bring her back if not fucked up

Amestris automail technology is SEKAI ICHI!

>minus the virgin part
specially the virgin part, she giving birth without father was viewed as a miracle.

> I unironically thought it was a cool way to bring her back
That's because the '03 series bothered to have narrative consistency

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I always liked how Ed broke mentally when he realized in the 03 version that his life was fucked up because some bitch wanted to live a little longer