Better than i was expecting for a N*tflix series

better than i was expecting for a N*tflix series

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Wouldn't it make more sense to translate 'kodomo' as 'kids'? Or in this case 'friends' seems like a good choice. 'Children' is very dry and anachronistic.

because they are literally children of space.


fuck off back where you came from

You might have a point if the word kodomo was in the title.

>N*tflix series
are you doing that meme shit that Any Forums does?

>Chikyuugai Shounen Shoujo

The actual translation would be 'boys and girls'.

I did it for the (you)s

how does it compare to dennou coil

it's different

Worse because it wasn't as fun or interesting imo, but I think the ideas of the story were on par with Dennou Coil. It's only 6 episodes and had some lengthy exposition dumps about the factions and the doomsday prophecy stuff in certain places which makes it paced kind of poorly, but other than those bits I think its executed well. If you can get on board with the Dennou Coil-esque future bullshit tech and "hacking" battles then you'll enjoy it. I did.

love these answer.

Netflix only got global distribution rights when the film version was already largely complete.

It was really enjoyable, it reminded me a lot of pic related.

Attached: uchuu show e youkoso.jpg (960x1440, 317.26K)

As much as I enjoyed it, I kinda wanted the show to keep being a space survival story like The Martian or Gravity movies. The third act suffered a bit IMO when it went a bit too philosophical for it's own good.


That supposedly deep thing at the end

Attached: fitz.jpg (720x400, 32.73K)

it was interesting the first couple episodes and then suddenly they start to dive off into the deep-end talking about existential shit and getting their robot pokemon to attain infinite intelligence. I'm honestly surprised people in Any Forums are being so lenient on this kind of crap.

also I wasn't a huge fan of all the robot shit. The hacker fights felt weightless, it literally felt like a glorified version of american TV hacking sequences where a bunch of gizmo shit happens and the audience has no idea what the fuck is even going on except on the level of the fact that things are being hacked, and then afterwards we're expected to just eat up whatever happened. When the main guy jacks himself into the matrix and starts going 'woah I have infinity intelligence now' it felt so weightless, he just says that he has endless knowledge and it's like I'm supposed to just sit there and accept it.
I know stories have a concept of suspending your disbelief but I could barely suspend mine at that moment. The story could have done a better job delivering this shit so my dumbass can accept it easier.

Having the last episode go all existential is a staple of 90s anime though.