How do you expect the anime/manga design style to evolve in the following decade?

How do you expect the anime/manga design style to evolve in the following decade?

Attached: anime-evolution-5c2ad13625ccc.jpg (675x456, 43.58K)

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2010 design with 1990 coloring

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Attached: Anime_style_chart_through_the_years_early_00s_and_2020s.png (2000x445, 1.03M)

Do you think 3D will favored over 2D, like it happened with western cartoons?

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More computer generated, more 3D cancer, more CGI shit.

No its still probably too expensive for your average tv anime to go full cg

Probably not yet. Give it ten years.

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Yes. More shitty lipstick and that weird sheen on hair.

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It's like we're going back to some of the 80s details but with way flashier lights.

back to kiniro mosaic style

I for once a am glad to accept our shiny haired thick lipped overlords.

more doll like proportions

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Decade user. We've been doing that for years.

what's wrong with girl having doll like proportions?

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unpopular opinion: Crystal looks good

Doll-like proportions have been a thing already, it isn't new

forget about animation, this i the future we will get

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What'd funimation do