Why did Miura slow down so much before he died?

Why did Miura slow down so much before he died?

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logical corner

I think he knew he was dying and was looking for a way to reach the end


It’s everywhere,but how do we stop the idol empire?

It's taken too many lives to be stopped now

He didn't care.

Miura was getting more and more perfectionist
When he started he was already trying hard, but towards the end of his life he would literally make pixel art level corrections according to his editors.

I think others have said he may have had some heart illness as far back as 20 years ago. I assume that's why he slowed down, to try to keep his heart from exploding.

For me it's a mix of beign perfectionist and tired at the same time, and with tired I mean, Tired of writing the same fucking manga for 30 years, in fact before dying I remember he wrote and drew a manga called Gigantomachia if I remember correctly. SO what I mean it slowed down because tired and well "want to keep a good manga reputation" so perfectionist.

He was a relentless perfectionist.

Sauce? I believe it, but I want to know more. That's just crazy.

Who cares, berserk was trash for the majority of its run

he was dying user

Is his assistant taking over?

new to miura threads?

>Why does this dying man have less energy than he did in his prime?


I don’t think he had the same passion for berserk as a project that he did at the start. More creative burnout than perfectionism.

You look at his side works, like gigantomachia, and they’re much more in the vein of outlandish weird fantasy compared to berserk.

I think he tried to introduce more elements into berserk, whether that be fantastical creatures or goofy humour or cute little girls, to sort of... rediscover the passion he used to have for it, or make it into something he wanted to draw now. It doesn’t always feel cohesive. I think he was spitballing, throwing ideas at berserk and hoping one of them would grab him.

Yes lol

This is speculative. There's no proof he was dying.

>There's no proof he was dying.
>said user about a dead man

The dude got four hours of sleep every night, if he slept at all. It was a matter of time.