What's the appeal of this character?

What's the appeal of this character?

Attached: t7i0wlbun9w71.png (1680x1050, 602.07K)


do your own thinking for a change

This. A character that's even more autistic and socially awkward than us, the viewer, to make us feel like Chad Normalfag.

NTR and corruption.


Wtf I love Komi now

She cute
And self insert-ism

Can't complain


The lingering smell of fresh hay.

Literally made for BBC (Big Brother Cock) while Tadano watches.

Won't say no.

Ah a man of culture, but which Tadano is watching?

It's a woman that doesn't talk

These, what the fuck is wrong with this show's fans?

>the perfect woman is one that never talks
this show was based all along

>What the fuck is wrong with this show's fans?

Attached: tears.png (353x232, 122.22K)

>"Lmao bro she can't talk!!!!!" joke repeated 10 times per episode, in 12 episodes


literally me