Baki Dou

How will the midget cope when Sukune inevitably loses?

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The evil kobold will seethe for approximately three minutes before deciding to defrost Musashi and have him fight Jack or some shit.

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Funny reaction face and next arc he's bringing back more jobbers

Haven't seen the manga in a while. Jack's finally getting character development?

He will go to Yujiro for some comfort

Yes, he got a whole foot of character development

Jack is becoming the main character.

Has Jack gotten the sex boost yet? Maybe thats why he keeps losing.

Nobody told Jack having sex is a powerup so he has no reason to pursue it.

>pressures jobber into getting himself killed
what a piece of shit

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How many Jack Jr's would he create if he found out about the sex powerup?

Enough to create a small country.

off topic (kinda) i recently started reading grappler baki (from Volume 1.) i am in the middle of the Maximum Tournament right now, lots of great moments, glad i didn't skipped it.

l'd be surprised if Jack's shriveled testes could still produce offspring.

None because he probably doesn't have any balls left.

Maybe Jack is holding off on sex because he actually believes he'll become a wizard.

If english is not your first language, try looking up if there's any translation in your language, because old translation suck really bad

He holds off sex because it isn't training. If he were told about the sex power up then he would scoff it as bullshit.

If Yuujiro could fall in love with any character you know of, who would it be?

Goku's wife because she's Emi but better


>who would it be

Goku's wife is against her kid fighting at all and gets it in his head he wants to be a scholar which ruins him to this day as he's had maybe 5 years of training in his life, Yuujiro would be seriously disappointed at the result.


Goku never fucks her. If Yujiro fell in love with Chi-Chi I guarantee you he'd cockwhip her. She wants Gohan to be a scholar, but being a scholar is nothing compared to being Unchained, let alone an Ogre

What do you mean? Sukune's winning this

Sukune is on the floor, with two chunks thorn out of his shoulder's. He need a memetobe level to survive this fight.

who's the weakest Baki character that could kill a polar bear?

Maybe Kosho, he can handle bulls with ease

Yuri would probably low diff an IRL polar bear. I doubt a polar bear would survive a straight up karate kick from Kosho, let alone a dose of cord cutting

>Sukune completely destroys Olivas ribcage
>"lol that's ancient sumo for you"
>Jack eats Sukune's left pinky finger

>"Haha, Jack is trying to eat the sumo"
>It's kinda silly but I also genuinely can't tell what's coming next so it's kinda fun too
>Wonder what's going on in Kengan

>go to Kengan thread
>everyone has been having a nonstop goddamn meltdown over HE USED REVERSAL ON THE ARTERY for 4 consecutive threads now

I like both Baki and Kengan so I don't even feel good about this. Just sad the Kenganbros are having a bad time while I'm over here having a good one.

Retsu. His dad married a monk too, maybe the family has a type.

I don't know what you're talking about user, we've been having an awesome time over there this week.

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Give me a quick rundown on what the fuck is happening in that series.

Villain built up for irl years as one of the big three leaders of the villain organization, the leader of a superhuman assassin clan, and the current host of this primordial monster martial artist whose personality has been passed down for generations through hypnotism, finally started fighting.
Initially everybody loved it since he brought back the hype and was delivering on expectations for him, dabbing on the heads of the rival assassin clans and even one of the writer's pet characters all at the same time while they were using their powerup modes and he was fucking around. Sneak attacks, weapons, nothing worked on him. They had to do a massive sacrificial multi layered sneak attack just to land a hit, but he literally flexed away the poison on the knife they stabbed him with by using his own power up mode.
Immediately after that, the author's pet character got up with everybody commenting on how he was on the brink of death and they started fighting again. Super hyped villain used his ultimate technique and it didn't hurt him, author's pet started beating him up with absolutely zero explanation for why he was winning now. Villain had a shonen villain HOW CAN BE THIS breakdown as the author pet's grandpa laid there monologuing about how the villain "lost because he was too strong" but also "never stood a chance" because that makes sense, then the author's pet ripped his head off.

To further clarify, the writer's pet character in question is essentially the Yujiro of his setting. Except he fucks around way, way more and is still in his dumbass 20something phase.

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Don't forget, the "ultimate technique" was literally just punching him a few times while yelling a Hokuto no Ken reference.

Is "he was too strong to win" really the whole explanation?

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In context, I feel the implicit explanations is "You got fucking cocky, you big bastard". And also "Raian will become stronger than me in my prime, and I could've taken you, so actually he was just fucking around while you were also fucking around and now he's not fucking around and you're fucking dead kiddo" which is arguably worse

Basically. There's virtually no way to rationalize everything that just happened because the author went out of his way to tell you that the single wound the villain took before his death sequence wasn't doing much to him, and he was poisoned but also had a character say the poison didn't work, so he explicitly introduced ways to make it make sense and went "fuck that".
Like the other user said, you could make a giant stretch that the author's pet guy was ALSO not taking it seriously, but that still makes zero sense, because he was using his super mode that expends a lot of stamina, so there's literally no reason he would be using it but also not trying to win. Meanwhile villain was using his base form to easily beat up the other guy's powered up form and multiple other people at the same time, and there's an action sequence page where with his own super mode, the villain was shown blitzing the author's pet and it looked like the pet was moving in slow motion compared to him. You basically have to kick logic to the curb to even make that cope believable.

I agree it's absurd and nonsensical, what I meant in the spoiler here is the author WANTS your takeaway to be "wow, Raian was THIS STRONG all along!?!?!?" with no regard to the logical sequence of events that led up to Raian Being Strong

you fool. Edward Wu sacrificed himself so that JACK HAMMER would win. he used removal and removed his power level to make this happen.

I'm telling you guys, Erioh will use Removal on his stem cells and come back from the brink of death easily next chapter. He just needs a little motivation after Ohma provokes him by pretending to swear he's going to have hot babymaking sex with Karla all night tonight, and he'll chase him off-panel as a gag bit.

Eddie was truly the greatest hero of our time, giving Kengan a few last weeks of fun and sacrificing his own life for that of two other giant muscle characters.

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he might be able to take Garland and Sikorsky and perhaps win the MT outright. no way he's touching Mr Oliva though

Sukune will straight up murder Jack.

Who in baki could relink the fire

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If they have the respawning powers? Most of them.
If they don't have the respawning powers? Baki, Yujiro, Musashi, Pickle, maybe Jack or the sumo dude, but I doubt they are that fast.

it's a very slow game nothing in it could defeat a convict

yeah ig with respawning anyone could do it but i dont know if top 5 can go against Gael or Midir

He will be mad for like 10 minutes and shout incoherently with his eyes going their seperate ways and immediately after, he will forget about it and get fixated on whatever the next fight will be.

Yeah, but all these enemies are defeated with magical swords. Fists barely do any damage, convicts would die at the first boss.

Doppo could probably kill one.

lf Spec can destroy the statue of liberty he can kill Souls bosses.

Spec wouldn't be able to land so many multiple hits, with out getting crushed or his head cut off.

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Isn't like one of his biggest feats storming a yakuza building with his buddy? Hanayama did it alone as a joke when he was 14

Pairing characters that are from different universes is always dumb, I will leave it here, in order to not derail the thread.

I'm pretty sure he would be smart and fast enough to dodge a massive weapon coming his way.

he beat up 100 yakuza solo, including some armed with smgs and rocket launchers

He adjusts to the power level of the series he's in, so he'd at least fight Baki toe-to-toe for a bit before losing.

>Jack eats the sword

Yujiro would relight the fire to spite anyone who said he couldn't, but Retsu is a good enough boy to do it of his own volition.

I dunno, Retsu recently killed a hydra with 4000 years of chinese martial arts during his isekai adventure


Retsu just got isekai powers, I doubt even Pickle could defeat a Hydra.

if they get isekai'd to Lothric they get isekai powers


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Pickle's diet consisted on giant reptiles.
Hydra would be an endless feast is all

Hanayama was cratering walls and destroying 15 feet tall steel doors like 5 powerups ago

No need for any coping, Sukune will win.

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THIS. we've only witnessed the tip of the sumo iceberg

Without his mighty pinkie finger?
Didn't you say a Sumo's pinkie finger is his life?
Doesn't that mean that Sukune is already dead.

based and true

grappler becky

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If that was Jack, would he be knee level?

God I love Enko so much