Home schooled kinos?

Home schooled kinos?

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Blast from the Past

I've never met someone who was homeschooled who wasn't completely fucked
the dudes are all social autists and the girls are all massive sluts with BPD because they didn't socialize as kids


rightoids a fucking cringe

Homeschooling ftw

Can confirm.

>public schools aren't leftoid indoctrination camps, take your meds

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i feel like me and my siblings have been personally attacked
but it's hard to disagree

can deny

my cousin is homschooled he has a physics degree and millions of views on his muscial/science youtube channel.

Idk. I did it because I hated real school. I still played sports, which I enjoyed.

The elementary schools in my once Christian farm city now have gender neutral bathrooms. All bathrooms have stalls with either a toilet or urinal logo on the door. Lots of parents are pissed off about it.

All the home schooled kids I know are way more socially adjusted and are doing great climbing the social ladder of corporate america. Public school just raised me to be a neurotic slave

>reddit filename

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I knew a family with 4 boys who were all home schooled, one was even adopted. They were probably the most loving friendly family I ever met. They all grew up to be happy and successful in their jobs. I wish my family had been more like theirs, we all hated each other and my brother became a tranny.

where is this from

Yea I have a 5 year old. All the classrooms now have pride flags on the wall and they’re teaching kids about pronouns and how they can pick any pronouns they want. Some teachers are fighting for transgender/gender/gay/sex books to be put in the libraries and they’re calling anyone who opposed it intolerant and bigoted. There’s been staff meetings where parents have expressed their concern that kids this young are being taught this shit. I’m just waiting on some emails from a private school i messaged and then if all goes well my kid will be going there instead. I can’t believe how fucked public schools are

what the fuck is wrong with white """""people"""""


whites are the only ones who are people

Youtube link? Article?

Just enroll your kids at a private school

Ok take ur meds and eat ur government sanctioned goyslop while living in an industrialized urban hellscape filled with
LGBT+ niggers, tranny

He was just outed today. I'm sure right wing news outlets will pick up on it in a day or two.

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