So what did we think of this weeks She-Hulk?

So what did we think of this weeks She-Hulk?

Why does everyone bully her and Jen?

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I will kill for you, Megan Thee Stallion

I couldn't date or even kiss a black woman so you can have her. Just leave Jen for me.

she hulk and ms marvel have been the best marvel shows in forever

Didn't watch. Was this the one with Daredevil?

yeah, and even then nobody is talking about it

just his helmet

No, just his helmet.

How embarrassing. DCucks... When will they learn?

>So what did we think of this weeks She-Hulk?
literally pointless, I'm a fan of the show, but even the feet shots were too quick, nothing mattered, the whole show could have been done in 8 minutes, the main plot seem to be a new suit which we never even get to see, or maybe it was saving the name which who gives a fuck what a stupid story, last weeks story was great, the magician was funny, they had a guest star and action, this show wasn't worth waiting for

Only good part of the episode was Daredevil's helmet.

Did they remove a post credit scene after the reaction from last week?

rating lower than the twerking episode, not a good look

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there was no post credit scene

Do Marvel have nude cg models of She-Hulk to use as reference points?

Gonna need an answer to this

weekly make men angry clip

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Felt like filler, but at the same time not. I found it kind of dull and like it didn't grab my attention like the last episodes. I give it a 6/10, not bad, not good, just kind of a pointless episode.

Why is Jen so damn cute?

Notice how after the first few weeks of manufactured outrage, no one cares about these race/gender baiting shows. I give it another 5-6 episodes before cancellation.

We always need new things to be outraged at. It's the way of the world now.

Hey, they are talking about ME! I'm the man on the Internet! xD

after taking in all these slams, my respect for women has skyrocketed

exactly, they said every episode would have one

Can someone answer this and do they have nude models of all the MCU females