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Yes, I do find Archangel Michael to be cute. What about it, atheists?

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What's the joke?
they all wear yellow shirts so God and religion bad?


Yes, the last 30 years really proved it lol

there is no joke, just the mentally deranged posting images from cartoons they hate (but really love because they watch every episode and shitpost about them incessantly)

meant for

I mean, religion is stupid and useless also I am VERY intelligent

>religion is cool because people I don't like aren't religious
Defining yourself as the antithesis of someone else is the weakest fucking thing you could do. Imagine riding a dandyhorse specifically because your obnoxious neighbor owns both a car and a bike.

Why is it ok to make fun of christianity but it's a big taboo to mock literally any other religion? I'm not even a christian but come on. I bet this is the same people triggered by "eurocentrism" but speaking as if christianity was the only relevant religion in History is peak eurocentric. OP's pic for exanple, as if Europe having a "dark age" meant the whole humanity was having one. As if there were no other civilizations except for christian europeans. I'm so fucking sick of wokeness and I'm myself an atheist.

Jews. Look it up

where does this meme even come from?
I don't see any real connection between the rise of christianity and the hold of scientific progress.
the civilized western roman empire collapsed because of already or soon to become christianized uncivilized Germanic hordes.

6 gorillion
Brown people
Actually does get made fun of a fair amount in Western media but Buddhists don't get mad so no one cares
>Greco-Roman gods
Ridiculed to the point of no longer being an accepted pantheon
>Anything else
Considered a minority; see 'brown people'

rejection of religion is the opposite of being pretentious, we admit that we don't know what's out there, how could we, we're merely human
but religion wants you to believe that we know what's out there, and if we follow some rules people made up centuries ago we will live amongst "them".

Ah yes, a culture immune to Christianity. How advanced.

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>christkikes still getting mad at innocent jokes

Obviously a front to fool dumb whitey, these lil niggas are probably exploring the singularity right as we speak

A world without God is how we ended up with teenagers lining up to sever their genitals.

>as if Europe having a "dark age" meant the whole humanity was having one.
the european renaissance would've came earlier if not for religion. the renaissance was essentially a continuation of the roman golden age.

>still on Any Forums

This is such a brainlet take
T. Atheist

Eunuchs existed long before the printed press


Religion bought us death, colonization, racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, and everything else bad in the world.

Not to mention over 80% of Christian priests are pedophiles. God must also be a pedophile.

whoa bigot detected

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>racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia
how is this bad?

I'm an atheist and Christianity is probably the strongest force for good the world has ever seen (and likely ever will see again)

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Religion served its purpose through History just like many other human inventions. Who cares if faggots grooming kids and niggers killing pop culture could have been a thing by 1700 instead of 2022. Boo-hoo! I couldn't be a total degenerate piece of shit until like 10 years ago! Religion BAAAAAD! Lmao

religion has allowed people like you to think the way you do without consequence

Are we really gonna have this thread every fucking day

Islam is right about women

Now this is silly because the dark ages followed the fall of the Roman Empire. Of course if you look at things in a vacuum Christianity played a huge role in the dark ages, however it also played a huge role in the lead up to the dark ages and the fall of the Roman Empire. If not for Christianity maybe there’d be no dark ages, but would have culture and society ever have gotten to a point for it to decline in the first place without Christianity? Likely not. Furthermore, for that time period it is ridiculous to think society and culture could have flourished without religion, if it wasn’t Christianity something else would take its place. So to blame Christianity rather than religion is just asinine, and to imply society could even function without religion at that time would be even more asinine. All in all a very pseudo intellectual take from family guy. And I say this as someone who also recognizes the fact that all religions are the works of men.

I'm atheist

Why is it ok to mock Christianity but not Islam or Judaism? Why is it ok to blackwash but not whitewash? Why is society filled with double standards? Because the Jews hate white people, they want to tear white western society down, and liberals and blacks are their main tools to achieve that goal.

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>dark ages