Strictly Any Forums-related discussion

Can anyone explain why did the quality of special effects decrease over the years so much? Computer effects are cheaper and easier than ever and studios still don't want to hire professionals and get pajeet slaves instead.
Why? Because "people are still gonna consume"? But that's not true.

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There's like 2 major companies behind the CGI models in the industry. These models get sold and then are repurposed to look like a monster in their script. These models are often improved upon but it's still the same old trash underneath. Ever notice that some movie monsters are the same shape as other movie monster, this is why.

Try to google around the topic, I know I've read this in an article somewhere awhile back, and now I'm telling you. I think 20th century fox has a deal with one of those CGI companies.

there is no passion for movie making anymore. top gun maverick had excellent effects because it's a rare modern day example of a passion project. most movies now are soulless goyslop franchise garbage

I've tried researching this very question, and never did find any satisfying answers. I think it has a lot do with lack of limitations. As computers become more powerful, it takes less creativity and innovation to create these effects, so we get a net decrease in effort and therefore less artist investment.

Old "cgi" wasn't fully computer generated like it is now. A lot of times there was more compositing of real subjects (things like scale models and explosive fireballs filmed separately then pasted into scenes) vs the modern method of building OC donut steel PS2 monstrosities from scratch because it's cheaper than filming things practically.

>brace yourself
I read on cracked com back in 2018. Try there.

Probably a combination of most people being retards who will watch anything (therefore encouraging studios to forego quality) and a declining pool of artists with real skill.

very abstract jeannè

>Computer effects are cheaper and easier than ever
yes and the bar to "get gud" at them is so low that pajeets enter the maket and deliver a shit job for 2$
>still don't want to hire professionals
what professionals?
You have basically ruined the market
>effects are easier to do
people put less effort in learning the trade
>the wages are slave tier
the talent that one time would have spent their life learning the craft because he could live with it, now does an office job and is a hobbist at best.
The real professionals become even less than they were before, and with less skill than the people before them because they rely on tools a lot, but more media is produced now than ever, so those professionals can't work for everyone and you get a lot of low quality stuff. You can't buy money with talent.
And btw Ai is doing the same thing to illustrators now, the talent pool of them in 20 years will shrink a lot, and you will have only "idea guys"

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you can't buy talent with money*
fuck my brain

Shrinkflation affects everything

Food, culture, originality, products, etc.

Only 92 days until the next groundbreaking milestone in computer generated imagery

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this is just getting silly AI user, it's freaking me out

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what's the website

Artbreeder collage

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do tubgirl

there was this thread last night with a bunch of links. probably more over on Any Forums.


>cash grab nostalgia bait reboot
>passion project
if this was bait it was good

if you're going to keep freaking me out, at least do me a norf fc image

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15 years ago only a handful of special effects companies did all the special effects you saw in big budget movies. Thats why it looked better back then because now theres so much demand for CGI that its done by companies who aren't as good as the ones before.

It was well made and didn't contain the usual leftist troon garbage.

>brown woman pilot
>brown male colead
must be nice having selective memory

It didn't feel completely out of place and shoehorned, at least for me. I'm not american, but I'd honestly expect to see plenty of women and minorities in their army at this point

Schizo take: CGI in movies is intentionally kept bad and fake looking to fool people into thinking that studios can’t make CGI truly convincing. The purpose is so that our trusted media outlets can eventually use top of the line CGI to fool people into thinking what they are seeing on the news is real. For example look at how convincing and seamless amateur deepfakes can be. The tech is there but the public can’t know about it.

The quality of movies has decreased over the years. The film industry used to be a place where talented and passionate individuals could flourish. However, nowadays it’s a place where talent and passion goes to die. You can’t see your vision created on the big screen, no, it is the corporate approved and focus group tested vision that gets put on the big screen. And don’t forget you have to meet their diversity and affirmative action quotas, you don’t get to choose the people that are the most talented and most fit your vision, you have to choose the people that have dark enough of a skin tone. All of this meddling just pushes talent away, it kills vision and creativity. The only creators that get anywhere and stick around are corporate yes men and nepotism hires in it for a paycheck, the only “talent” that’s available are bootlicking virtue signalers that’ll do anything for the money, and their pet dancing monkeys they parade around. The television and film industry is just simply dead, it drowned in propaganda, virtue signaling, diversity, nepotism, and corporate greed and meddling.