This movie was much better than the 2013 version

This movie was much better than the 2013 version

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People say this but it's bullshit. Dredd is way better.

Dredd is generic and stupid. Judge Dredd is based.

It's weird that so many people think otherwise. Carl Urban just doesn't project the same charisma and authority that Stallone does, and it comes off as laughable when he tries. And his performance as Butcher in the Boys is even more embarassing.

I love the idea of some of the weird side lore being explored like ABC Warriors and shit. I mean Dredd had ESPers, but that's less interesting.

>This movie was much better than the 2013 version


>rob schnieder
>instead of Judge Tits
Fuck off

Attached: you.jpg (146x116, 6.56K)

People who think this movie is bad "because he takes da helmet off" are unironically filtered. Stallone's dredd is way more human than 2000AD dredd. Hence he isn't just a faceless enforcer. Really the movie is bad because the whole plot with rico felt a little forced. They turned a guy who only shows up in one prog into the main villain.

It's a film with immense personality, striking visuals, and a genuinely interesting and sympathetic villain. What you're dealing with is bitter and jealous source material fans who hate that a lot of people prefer the 1995 movie because muh Dredd shouldn't take off his helmet and all sorts of similar source material fanboy nonsense.

I am a fan of the comics but I like the 1995 version because of the god tier set and costume design compared to the 2012 one. 2012 is just new york but with copy pasted giant towers.

The sets and worldbuilding were way better. Mega city one is quite goofy

i need a by the books hershey gf bros


Definitely not.

Eat recycled food. It's good for the environment. And ok for you.

Only Dredd im watching is the black guy with the huge cock fucking tight white hotties and making them cream with his BBC.

I want to like in the false Heavenly Haven. A open air pool at the top of a skyscraper overlooking a mega city would be kino.

Contrarianism isn't cool when everyone is doing it.

The old movie started good. I saw the new one first, and the old one was similar until it turned into a Stallone action movie after they strip him of his rank. I'm not a fan of that at all. Just give me sci-fi action like RoboCop and the new Dredd.

Judge Dredd is just Demolition Man in reverse