Why do Rick & Morty fans hate him so much?

Why do Rick & Morty fans hate him so much?

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He's the white male punching bag.

I mean, it is funny when he gets shat on but fans seem to actually think he's a bad character when he's arguably the most moral character on the whole show, even if he's a bit selfish sometimes he's nowhere near as bad as anyone else.

He is just mediocrity if it were a person

but most people are mediocre, that's what that word means. Can they not accept who they are? They dont hate Jerry, they hate themselves

This. How can you pity a character who shows more inner-peace than yourself.

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The fans might hate him because the female writers absolutely loathed him.

Hes supposed to be the average white man (dad age) in the show, and you are supposed to feel "ayo this whitey lame af!" While he is on screen

he's lowkey the best character, i thought everyone hating him was just a joke? he nails every scene he's in, basically Homer Simpson

The show tries to make Jerry out to be this pathetic, snivelling worm of a person but most of the time he just comes across as a normal guy who gets caught up in this insane bullshit and doesn't know how to react to it. They try to make him unlikeable but honestly, he's more likeable than Beth or Summer at points. It helps that Chris Parnell is genuinely funny in the role.

he's really our grounded in reality character

Most likely because they identify with him and are too stupid to understand that they are actually not him. The same type of people cry about inclusion and diversity.

Horrible "character". That said. Rick and Morty's entire cast are horrible characters.

He's not a moral character, he's a pathetic cowardly character. Being unable to cause harm does not make you moral.


it makes you empathetic though, being unable to cause harm is a trait of gautama buddha

Okay, what if I'm not mediocre though?

he's the most important character, the foil to Rick's absolute fucking madness

Because he’s a lazy, Flanderized trope of the ‘incompetent white man’ that’s as imaginative and reflective as Al Jolson as a minstrel.
Society seems to believe that white men are both incompetent losers and massively capable existential threats. You can’t have it both ways, sorry.

No, it does not automatically make me empathetic. It would make me empathetic if he showed courage despite his limitations and was a selfless person, but at most he shows a fake mask of courage when it benefits his image.

Jerry > Rick > Morty >>>>>> wife bitch > dogshit >>>>>>> sister bitch whore