Do Religion fags really?

Do Religion fags really?

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Atheists are cringe.

*American Atheists
Because they threat atheism as a religion.

tell that to ricky gervais

I agree but these weird nu-Christians are also really annoying, I genuinely think a lot of them are trolling though.

I grew up in a pretty thick bible belt area, I'm endlessly amused by how atheists treat the concept of "science" like they used to treat the bible back when I was a kid. Don't question it, just accept what the preacher man says, keep your mouth shut, do you want a smack because asking questions is how you get smacked, etc.

Coincidentally the most American Britisher alive.

Imagine asking your imaginary friends on the internet if God really exists

Aww geez

Die Hard! Die Hard! Die Hard! IMMMMM PICKLE RICK!


Justin Roiland episode:
>wow look Morty, we're in a fun, colourful magic land, and there's pudding growing on trees.
>oh hey, that's pretty cool Rick
>oh no, the land is full of serial killers and rapists, dark, disturbing things are happening. run Morty!

Dan Harmon episode:
>wow look Morty, we're in a fun, colourful magic land, and there's pudding growing on trees.
>oh hey, that's pretty cool Rick
>oh no, they've discovered religion Morty, I'm going to have to build schools and universities to educate everyone to a high enough level that they no longer need God as an thought crutch. I've teleported in a bunch of different versions of myself to teach physics and burn bibles, now I'm going to put the planet inside this hypo-accelerated time chamber I just built
>aw geez Rick
>okay, it's been 2 centuries, they should be evolved by now
>wow, that much time huh?
>Oh no Morty, it appears they now worship me instead of their previous God, this is quite a dilemma Morty
>well at least they're not racist
>oh no Morty, they're racist!

Based Zevon appreciator.

user atheists are aimless subhumans that like trannies and other faggotry. I will never see you bunch as respectable humans.

atheism is innately an anti religion. you still have values that you choose to venerate

Atheists are cultists who worship the void and nothingness. They are a silly dungeons and dragons religious movement that somehow actually exists.

Roiland is also your typical liberal atheist

Who does this user? Get off twitter, it brings out the worst in every group

holy FUCK american animation looks like shit.

Atheism is based, but atheists are cringe.

Your mama.

Reminder that the vast, vast majority of the world's atheists are Chinese. All you think you know about atheists is based on a lie.

Yeah, really.

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For sure but the show has leaned far more heavily into religious satire since Roiland stopped writing.