This is the worst movie I've ever seen

This is the worst movie I've ever seen

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Go watch Birdemic: Shock and Terror

It is extremely overrated I give you that. A great idea executed poorly.

Still better than It Follows

It's good. It follows that it would end up being overrated.

It's not good

t. incel

You haven't seen enough movies

So was the thing chasing them at the end?


The movie was highly overrated but the OST was top notch.

I really enjoyed it. Not that it was an amazing kino or anything like that. I just liked it for being a campy horror film with a unique twist. Also the soundtrack by Disasterpiece was great.

lol why god so slow nigga

list of reddit-tier soi-horror that Any Forums has shilled me
it follows
shawn of the dead
all jordan peele joints
the ring and all those shitty japanese "scary" movies

It had some things going for it but yeah it’s overrated

>shawn of the dead
Lord in all my days I would never have thought to witness Shaun of the Dead slander with my own eyes
Go suck a cock

I thought it was interesting that we live in such degenerate times that someone made a horror movie about std’s


It Follows and that Transformers knights movie are the only two movies I've almost fallen asleep in the theater

>Never heard of Philadelphia

watch more movies

>shaun of the dead

Movie should’ve of just been this guy chasing her down. Only scary scene in the movie btw

Attached: 05399412-93FB-45FB-A168-AC651550C144.jpg (1400x700, 62.94K)

Tony Hawk's not looking so good.