What was he pondering in this instance?

What was he pondering in this instance?

Attached: Ben_Affleck_Bill_Maher_c0-30-900-554_s1770x1032.jpg (1770x1032, 109.68K)

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I haven't seen this, how drunk was he?


Attached: takbir.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

He fingered some Mexican woman an hour before and was having a sniff

Scampi Fries

Mentally flipping through his rolodex of prepared talking points.

how best to unpack that kike grifters antimuslim arguments

Why does Bill Maher hate Islam so much? Seems like he shits on it every chance he gets.

Attached: 1470073231306.jpg (600x532, 35.56K)

the irrational insanity of painting a population of over a billion people from the actions of an extreme minority. and how a sociopath like sam harris could be platformed with batshit insane opinions like that.

pressure cookers and the joy of running

he was writing the jihad declaration in his head. PBU Ben Al-fleckiri

A majority of Muslims believe in a death penalty for leaving the faith

Which billionaire pays for these things?

Bin-Al-Fleck now that's a classic

Worldwide, yes. But not American Muslims. American Muslims are relatively unique in how "liberal" they are when compared to the Muslims of other nations, even the UK. You don't see American Muslims openly campaigning to remove homo content from schools or cancelling movies that offend their faith like the Brit Muslims do.

why the fuck is that guy in black face?

How would you know what they think? Kek

same reason he shits on christians every chance he gets

>an extreme minority

why are being so disingenuous? islam tells you to outright kill all kafirs

Bill Maher made his whole career shtick by shitting on organized religion. But the only pushback he ever got was ironically enough by liberals defending Islam, which is the ultimate forbidden topic besides jews.

but also because fuck islam thats why

He's realizing how out of his league he is and he's feeling like a moron for getting emotional like some teenager live in front of millions of people. He was 100% on steroids here for his role as Batman and he was probably just feeling super confident and aggressive