If you were dating a black girl and you invited her to your place to watch a movie, what movie would you pick?

If you were dating a black girl and you invited her to your place to watch a movie, what movie would you pick?

Asking for a friend.

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Django Unchained

American history x

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Buck Broken

Black Panther

We're watching the whole series to completion too, marathon style... and if she even thinks about making a move on my 9-inch apple-headed monster, I'ma put y'all BACK in chains.

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Evil Dead 1 is pretty good if she likes horror stuff, enough creepy stuff so she'll hold onto your arm but still silly enough that you can laugh and diffuse the tension at some parts. Good luck on your date user

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Sister Act 2

Monster's Ball

Romper Stomper with Russell Crowe.

The Greatest Story Never Told

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>run nigger run

Remember sa kid watching this on my ps2

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Fauci (2021)


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Black girls don't look like that.


That tariq nasheed movie

not my problem

The one where black women are behind the moonlanding. Or Monster's Ball.


>Monster's Ball.
>billy bob fucked both prime angelina and prime halle berry
brb, going to make a movie where I star as a retard who murders his neighbor's abusive alcoholic bf