Is there more like this

Grungy weird cyberpunk body horror, i mean. None of the other Cronenberg works felt the same. There's Tetsuo sure, but it's too weeby for me

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The Greasy Strangler is not what you're looking for but perhaps it will do

>the criterion release of Videodrome features the entirety of the japanese porno scene they shot for the movie that Woods is watching in one scene

Possessor by his son Brandon Cronenberg

the fuck was this movie about

It's unique. Every sci fi 80s B-movie tried to copy it and failed

somethign about human bodies adapting to the era of information or some shit

The media is cancer

that shit was good. gonna go check if he has anything new cooking.

Tetsuo the iron man
bu I'm partial to eXistenZ, I think I'm the only person to have found it kino


it's curious what a unique thing he's doing with his movies and how few other people have unique things going for them

Why wasn't Debiee Harry in more movies ?

Also, Crimes of the Future

How James Woods lost his mind
I mean, honestly, after all these years he “became” the very thing he was satirizing
But still, brilliant performance in a brilliant movie

She's in Tales from the Darkside: The Movie


>There's Tetsuo sure, but it's too weeby for me
If by weeby you mean like the annoying weeb shit you see now, it's not like that. Tetsuo would be the exact same if it didn't have japs acting on it, the director doesn't put any weeb shit or le shit weeb humour

tetsuo could only have been made in japan and in the 80s

As someone who loved Videodrome, I fucking hated eXistenZ and thought it was dogshit.

The new flesh. Long live it.

She's in Spun.

Attached: LLTNF-videodrome.png (674x727, 256.45K)

She was in Hairspray