This was considered a masterpiece in 2014

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It is still considered a masterpiece in 2022

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>I should have stopped Joffrey when I had the chance. He'll never change, and you have to stop him, you have to

it's literally the best part of the entire series wtf

What a dwarfer

Trial? I would say he is guilty of being a dwarf

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>show proceeds to act like Stannis is evil
>Tyrion is upset that Dany burns them all because... he just is!

Its still a great scene

No way. Blackwater was the highpoint of the series.

Dinklage is horrible in this scene. Why do redditors love it so much?

>the iron bank
>the iron islands
>the iron throne

So this is the “genius” writing of GRRM

Tyrion and his relationship with his dad were the best part of the show

>he orchestrated it! JIFFY!

D&D don't give a shit about morality, they care about whether a character is cool, that counts as morality to them. Notice how the show concludes that Jaimie was an incredible hero despite him doing absolutely nothing selfless outside of rescuing Brienne. It's cause the actor was charismatic, so they rewrote the entire show to make him their edgy self-insert hero.

The show stopped when the written material stopped, everything after is fanfiction

the whole scene seems cheesy with the dramatic theme music and focusing on the prominent characters' reactions in quick succession, but Dinklage's pronunciation and action of saying "I did not" makes me lol

Do you think it wouldn't be like this in real life?
Do you know how many Alexandria's there are?

DD hated Stannis for some reason. Probably because he's the fucking Mannis and they're basic bitches.

they should be hanged by the neck until death for their crimes

>>show proceeds to act like Stannis is evil
Two of his children were fucking under his watch and he reserved most of his hatred for the one who actually fucked someone not related to him.

Everyone know Stannis will at least make it to the Long Night, and I believe the writers knew his only purpose was really to help Jon Snow and after that they didn't care what happened to him.

Tyrion gives Dany the WORST advice ever as her Hand. Her invasion of Westeros was so full of half measures and compromise that she gets utterly BTFOd at every opportunity.
Danny eventually proved that literally all she needed to do the entire time was bring her dragons into Kings Landing and burn the Red Keep to the ground. Over and done. Everything else after would have been mop up. Then and there they could have avoided so many casualties that were a result of Tyrions war. Hell she could have done that in season 3 with her Unsullied if she waited a year and let her dragons get bigger.
but no, the show acts like Tyrion is a genius and Dany a petuant retard.

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uh you can't rule a city of a bunch of corpses mate, you need some surviving subjects to rule over

They really should have kept in the Tyrion breaking as he escaped Kings Landing
In the books he leaves mentally broken and hating his family, including Jamie, and has no one at all but meets some characters after that start to show him the light.
Funny those characters were also cut out.

except his travel to Essos and the Golden Company are the most boring things on planet earth and completely destroyed the pacing of books 4 and 5

Arya goes full on psychobitch in the final season. If she was not a main character, people would lose their minds about how evil she became and would rightfully be a villian needed to be slain. It's like saying Leatherface's family in Texas Chainsaw 2 are the good guys because they are badasses who cook good chili
You can't moralize that forcing people to eat their own family is anything better than what Ramsay does.
She only had to burn down the castle and the decision makers. No need to massacre the civilians. Hell she probably didn't even need to burn down the red keep, just attacking the ramparts proved to be enough for the Lannister soldiers to surrender. Then just siege the keep conventionally

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Its a directors job to enhance it into something interesting.
Just like how Peter Jackson expanded the Battle of Five Armies into something better than the books.
Not that the Hobbit doesn't have its own host of issues, especially in said battle, but the fact that we got to see more was cool.
How just cut out the stupid Legolas stone jumping, dumb love triangle, and over the top CGI stuff, and we got something going.
I've actually been meaning to watch that one Hobbit fancut that does this