Mein Führer

I can walk!

Attached: strangelove.jpg (1280x720, 92.09K)

What a shitty gay movie

Wasn't the doomsday machine going to fire instantly after the first nuke? If so, his whole plan doesn't work. He wouldn't have the time to prepare the mineshafts to be livable, or pick and transport the people there.
At best gov officials could hunker down at a bunker but all this repopulation bit and choosing women via computer would take months to organize.

The doomsday machine goes off but the fallout only gradually spreads over the earth over several months.

>Comedy movie
>Not funny


Absolute faggot movie

I think it was only funny in the context of the initial release. The Cold War was really terrifying to a lot of people. Showing the ridiculousness of it would have hit hard.

thanks for outing yourself as a double digit iq brown

It is funny, but it's the 'made you smile' kind of funny instead of the 'My chest hurts' funny.
Which is a common trend among comedies touted as the best. I seriously wish someone made a list of the most genuinely gut-busting funny movies made.

I was imitating this guy in the bathroom mirror and my sister walked in and said come down for dinner. Good movie but fuck this guy.

>Mein fuhre-...I mean Mr President!

>if you don't like le critically acclaimed stupid-ass movie you're brown and dumb
It's a bad movie, user. Fail-Safe is the GOAT of the genre. Dr. Strangelove is faggot garbage.

Peter Sellers was never funny. Not even once.

>comparing a thriller to a comedy

The party had fun bits on it but was very awkwardly paced.

Dr. Strangelove is not a comedy. It's an attempted (but failed) satire. Dumb people liked it because of all the silly stuff.

you appear to be struggling to comprehend what satire is.

it's okay, user. you're not worse, you're just special. here, i prepared a useful visual aid to help improve your understanding of this incredibly difficult concept. now stop chewing the crayons and take notes

Attached: diagram.png (812x542, 11K)

Some satire is comedy. Some is not. Unfunny satire is not a subset of comedy. I'm sorry if you paid some university hundreds of thousands of dollars to teach you wrong.

You are very brown and very very dumb

>I'm sorry if you paid some university
And he's a dropout too. I bet you came here after 2016

>t. faggot who never watched the Pink Panther movies or listened to The Goon Show