Post specific things that make you quit a show

Post specific things that make you quit a show

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Choreographed female kung-fu kickass scene

>rape scenes
>trans characters
>modern (or worse; future) settings where women, fags, blacks and browns are complaining about how bad they have it because of their category
>non-stop action
>non-stop cursing and edgy dialog
>laugh track (unless it's a sketch comedy)
>child main characters


>See Eugene Cordero
Shut off instantly

What's wrong with those?

Boring intro theme song

>the writers self-inserting
>forced drama on comedies
>social commentary
>merchandise moments
>female audience self-inserts
that's it

>>the writers self-inserting
>>female audience self-inserts
Name 5 times this has happened

>social commentary
Oh so anything?

The first episode of Halt and Catch Fire has a BADASS PUNK GIRL BOSS GENIUS in the early 80s describe the internet while every guy in her college class stares at her in slack-jawed amazement. I stopped watching right there.

>t. low test and never fought a man

everything happening in Sandman

>Name 5 times this has happened
only 5? the female one happens on almost every show
>Oh so anything?
yes, unfortunately.

made in the last 30 years

Netflix logo

The series finale.

That one show that had in the first 5 minutes race mixing, flag burning, a muslim in full burka getting an abortion, atheists pissing on statues of the virgin Mary, and pedophilia.

Dude, that hasn’t even came out yet, but will in like 2038.

There's a reason why combat sports are segregated by gender.

>Put me through to the CEOs office right now. Yes, hello, Mr Netflix, you're going to want to see this...


Never said it was woman vs man, incel