Forest Whitaker is the worst actor who is widely considered to be a good actor. He is really, really bad

Forest Whitaker is the worst actor who is widely considered to be a good actor. He is really, really bad.

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I think hes ok
that being hes a one mood actor usually the "stoic black man" but not in the way where its charismatic like Denzel, its really dry acting

No, I would say that’s Leo

Last King of Scotland

basically this. he can play a specific role type very real but has no real range

He was good in phone booth with Colin Farrel.

THIS GUY is just PISSIN all over us

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Calling him "really really bad" is just contrarianism. No reason to fight positive extremism with negative extremism when you can just call him overrated.

He has certain roles that he excels in and he plays those amazingly so I can't in good conscience call him bad. Not when his role in The Shield exists

Anyone who defends him should go watch the Shield immediately

that sleepy eye is distracting

He doesn't have a lot of range, but he's alright.

I think he's really good. I really loved him in Ghost Dog

I like him. He was great in The Crying Game.

one of those actors who people are tricked into thinking is good because of some peculiar trait about him. that weird eye is all that's needed for people to think you're acting

Faggot detected. Forrest Whitaker has soul and makes every movie he's in better.

He's in a voodoo cult with Danny Glover. Pretty much every successful actor of color believes they have magic powers. If it's not voodoo then it's inventing new schools of mathematics to hack the matrix like Will Smith or Donald Glover.

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Terrance Howard does the math thing too


>But why did you sting me, Mr. Scorpion? For now we both shall die?
>It's in mah NATURE!

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I like him, although the only movie I've seen with him in is Bloodsport

This, he is great in The Shield

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