
>Frequent strong sexual activity that involve a threesome, two rape sequences that involve forced masturbation and hardcore doggy style. Genital and female breast nudity apply.
>Marilyn is fully nude for most of the second act. Including frontal nudity and vulva seen.
>Besides all the sex and rape sequences, there are several graphic sexual references and a menacing sense of rape.
>A woman is raped by a man during an audition for a role and his erect penis is shown briefly. This is incredibly graphic and violent.
>Graphic sex scenes include masturbation, a threesome, lots of sexualised nudity and frequent sex discussion.
>Marilyn Is seen nude throughout the film.
>Graphic scenes of abortions. Woman's labia and uterus is briefly shown in closeup

what the fuck is Andrew Dominik's problem?

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Andrew Dominik is about to drop the greatest fap movie since Showgirls.

this will definitely become netflix's biggest movie, coomers around the world can't resist

>a menacing sense of rape

Ana kino

satanists love relishing in the worst aspects of humanity, it gets them off spiritually and physically.

ana was made for this fiml

yeah, I'm thinkin' it's gonna be kino.

>Ana(l) kino

you know, rape

I love Hispanic women and having sex with their sideways tacos

I love european actresses and their willingness to flaunt their vulva for all to see.

How is it legal to release an unrated film on netflix?

ana is such a fucking whore

Your kid is learning about weiners in elementary school, this should not come as a surprise

it's rated NC-17

You are talking about my literal wife. Watch your fucking mouth.

a film to finally dethrone Irreversible

i am sickened

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it looks like a Kechiche's film.

go back to facebook right now

should I watch this with my gf?

Ana is so unbelievably based

>a menacing sense of rape
she gets catcalled?


when does this release?

Too bad they couldn't get a blue eyed white woman for this. But I guess this Mexican was the only only willing to degrade themselves like this.

>god creates vagina
>god makes man appreciate the aesthetics of vag
So why is it "satanic" to put it in film?

They should stick to gobbling cock and not writing reviews.