The internet will have an actual based department in the future with all the films you could ever want to watch...

>the internet will have an actual based department in the future with all the films you could ever want to watch, configured how you want
we're goin home

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This movie looks like shit and would be shit regardless who they got to play Ariel.

lmfao this is next-level copium

Meh. Both look pretty basic. Neither of them look like Ariel.

Attached: ariel.jpg (990x1238, 132.01K)

>using AI to unpozz movies and shows
Holy shit, bros. Is this how we defeat the jew once and for all?

What the fuck are you talking about retard it's a child's movie of course it's gonna be shit. This is why people tell you to take your meds.

stop buying their subscriptions

Why are negroids so goddamn ugly?

Copium? It’s been the truth for ever Disney live action remake. You retards actually look forward to this when every time since Maleficient or whatever they just half ass butcher everything of what made the animated films beloved and then make everything look very dark and soulless with ugly cgi?

Copium for what you retarded faggot? You think this movie would be awesome if a red haired white girl played Ariel? The writing and production value is so shit these days that you just know it's not even worth watching. Sign of token diversity is often a tell tale of a shit movie of course.

lol if it doesn't matter then why are you getting so mad?

There would be articles written about how the AI version of the movie is uncanny, soulless, creepy and only watched by incels. Normalfags will stay away from it.

You will never win.

>it's for kids so it can't look good


can he fix lotr and hotd

Movies need to be a NNZ . Get the ugly apes off of our screens

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No thanks.

Zoom in. He can't fix the nasty monkey rope hair.

I can't imagine being so insecure about my own identity that seeing people of color in remakes of old movies makes me feel threatened, triggering an emotional response to rectify a perceived personal-wrongdoing. Not to mention the fact that there is a 2019 live action version with a cast 100x more ethnically diverse than this one, yet none of the NPCs reacted as much to that because it wasn't spoon fed for them to react to like this one is. Reactionary NPCs are subhuman retards, making a huge deal over shit that doesn't even matter so they can power trip as a victim.

It's afraid...

Don't care, didn't read, still watching the AI whitewashed version.

If the race literally doesn't matter then you'd be okay if every movie was only white actors from now on, right?

Unironically racist
Why he doesn't say the black actor? Too afraid of the obvious?

Imagine being so insecure about being called heckin racist that you let yourself be replaced in all aspects until you're a second class citizen

Your anti-White goyslop is shitstained trashed and belongs in the garbage.

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+5 shekels
+1 hot pocket

Reminder Chuds abandoned this thread because they were getting btfo about selective whitewashing of gooks.

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I love it when old men sit around online and talk for hours about a movie made for little girls. Truly captivating stuff.

I honestly wouldn't give a shit if they cast black women in everything. As long as they're really pretty black women. My issue is that they keep casting fucking apes, and no one wants to look at that. Just give me pretty girls, that's all I want.

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Stupid white, now you feel how other races felt for hundreds of years, now is our time and you won't stop it

that hit bump limit you retard

what is this picture supposed to be showing?

So why are you here seething?

wow nice teeth chink

better then african and britbongs i've seen fr fr no cap

people don't realize it's not about race, it's about the fact that ariel looks nothing like that.

should we change Tiana from Princess and the Frog to white? Should we change Pocahontas to a white girl?

Aladdin was good and Naomi Scott is hot as fuck.

Attached: naomi_scott_aladdin-1.webm (1300x808, 2.95M)

Is only about race, i am tired of hiding my racism behind woke

Ok, go they replace the black girl with a ginger. Do you think they didn't also poz the hell out of the story too? Does she speak like a black person? There's more to this than just the physical appearance of the leading actor.

She is painfully hot. I would have no issue with Little Mermaid if she had played it.'s gonna be hard...

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Nigga you coded multivariable gradient descent and backpropogation, fuck off. I hate this fucking meme