She Hulk


Attached: she hulk poster.jpg (1687x1688, 846.33K)


Childless Disney wine aunties and moms.


the show is actually pretty entertaining, i don’t know why incels are so easily programmed by this board as to what to love or hate

Iraqi insurgents and their CIA handlers.

No one its content for content's sake while they try to build up another Avenger's movie event but it won't be nearly as good as the previous trilogy

Childless 40 year old alcoholic women with arrested development.

It is for people who have agreed to participate in mainstream culture, whether they like it or not. The quality does not matter, it is the act of participation that is valued by other people.

The show is fine. I think they could have found a better actress, but what really holds the show back is the CGI.

Obese black women

The fat ugly useless asian bitch who wrote the shit.

Attached: shit hulk.jpg (474x256, 24.99K)

Twitter-users, outrage content creators, and women. In that order too

I pirated the first episode to watch while doing some work. It was shit and not in the 'so awful it's funny' way, it was just miserable and stupid.
Phase 4 of Marvel is ghastly outside of a few bright spots.

my dick. Came one of the hardest times I ever have before to she hulk twerking her juicy ass and Megan thee stallion shaking her big black ass.

>women that watch disney but not with their own kids because they're a barren middle aged spinster living with crushing regret
think you've found the key demo

The Disney execs who use it for money laundering.

Me. I really enjoyed it.

Wow she aged horribly since orphan black

This is the end result of a monkey paw wish that I made back in the 90s for comic books to be socially acceptable. When you start getting CG Sex in the City/Ally McBeal, you know that it's over.

Women who hang up quirky slogans around the house

All of the bright spots have red and blue all over them. Meaning it only belongs to Spider-Man. The entirety of Phase 4 and Disney double downing on female representation will be the death bell of the company.

Sylvester Stallone