They're going to take this from you

Only 1 more week until I kill myself

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Don't do it, ser user

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Why not kill yourself now after she just whored herself out to half the realm?

She's damaged goods now

w-what is going to happen to her

Ok, just watch her other projects.

gets blacked then replaced by an older actress for time skip

>older actress for time skip
fucking why just keep the monkey

coz it's like 20 years and she doesn't look 40

she lost her Innocence in the last episode. DROPPED.

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When Monke leaves, I no longer support either side and just want Targs to kill each other

They might time skip back in future seasons, right?

>she lost her Innocence

The guy was white, a white micro doesn't even count as sex. A girl is still a virgin until she has been blacked, that's real sex.

No, user. This Sunday is the last we'll ever see of Princess Monke.

The guy is half Pajeet and Indians have the smallest penis size on average, I guess your point still stands.

It's time to put the monkey whore to bed. And time to welcome our new Queen.

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Her older character looks better


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Based and truth pilled

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Just look at a side profile comparison and youll see the snose on the new actress

Not gonna lie, she's starting to grow on me.

Hey, Millysimp. Did you like the new episode?

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