Movies only youve seen

>movies only youve seen

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Rings of Power

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I used to watch this with my cousin as a kid. He was completely obsessed with it, would have it on everyday.

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Unfortunately not.

nigga that's gus van sant, I'm sure plenty of non-zoomers here have seen it

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Seen both and liked both but especially Blind Fury. Love the part where he cuts off a guy's fingers

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For more than a decade i thought i dreamed this movie up, that i din't actually see it in a sleepy state in my family's beach home when i was a kid and that i was insane for thinking this movie ever existed, i looked for it in this board, the request board, plebbit, extremely specific google searches, everywhere until one of my friends simply googled "magic airplane movie" and showed it to me.

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Yeah nobody ever saw that movie too.

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Nice bush.

Is this paris texas?

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