Holy shit, Any Forums weren't kidding with this movie

Holy shit, Any Forums weren't kidding with this movie.

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Boat kino is too white that's why they'll never make it again

The simple truth is, not all of us become the men we once hoped we might be. But we are all God's creatures. If there are those among us who thought ill of Mr. Hollom, or spoke ill of him, or failed him in respect of fellowship... then we ask for your forgiveness, Lord. And we ask for his.

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Women will never understand this movie.

Did you understand it?

As an American I am glad they made the antagonists French instead of American as they origionally wanted to. Also as an American I am happy they didn't depict any of the crew as kidnapped American sailors as was widespread at the time.
Anything that would make me hate perfidious Albion just wouldn't sit well with me because I sure am happy Nepolean was stopped before he freed the world from the multinational cabal of elite bankers who have ruined our planet
RIP Queen Elizabeth II, may she reign in hell

wtf I thought central banks came from truman

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Why do women complain about boat movies when the biggest chick flick is Titanic?

Please stop dictionaryposting user, your family misses you

Titanic is about a bitch cucking her husband and getting away with it.

>"England is under threat of invasion and though we be on the far side of the world this ship is our home. This ship is England."

Why did he do it?

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30 yo virgin incel. cursed the ship with his dark wizard powers

>"England is under threat of invasion and though we be on the far side of the world this ship is our home and I am your Master and Commander.''
Jesus, I never knew this movie had such a cheap title drop.

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He did the right thing.

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uhm ackshully titanic is an action flick, they just sold it as "romance" because wymyn
got this somewhere else though, probably redditlettermeme, I think it's 50% BS 50% true

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the retarded thing about this movies is that they switch the ameruiburgers for the french which led to inconsistent BS (like the french ennemy ship haveing been made in the US)

because apparently amerifat audience wouldn't accept amerifat villains.

boat movie > girl problem movie

women love shows with atgtractive men being friends and doing manly shit with their bros.

t. women and I really like this movie (and supernatural and sport mangas)
the less female characters the better desu

You will never feel your heart soar when the enemy breaks contact after you firing 2 broadsides to her 1

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They view boats as vehicles of male independence, and as (female) competitors for male attention (many boats have female names).

But Titanic is not about that. It's about a wealthy woman getting to chose between two suitors who are stuck on a boat with her. In this case, the ship imprisons, rather than liberates, the men.