Back in Theaters

Tickets on sale for the original Avatar

Who else is going to see the original masterpiece again before the way of water later this year?

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>not in 3D
So its fucking pointless

It is in 3D. What are you talking about?

I just got my ticket to the earliest showing available in my city.

nigga you can fly to other planets scan everything from orbit

Nobody cares about this shit anymore man. Really who cares about mediocre sequel to Pocahontas in space from a decade ago?

>exposed joints
oh nonononooo

unobtanium interferes with a lot of tech
cope more butthurt hater

>dude what if Pocahontas in space was Pocahontas in space in water

I've never seen Avatar and I don't care to ever see it.
Is it weird that I kind of miss Abatap, though?

Go to the cinema? While there is a pandemic going on?? Are you trying to kill me???

Hey, did anything leak regarding the d23 12 minute preview of Avatar 2?

dumbass take

>robs zingers from Reddit

>user discovers what an archetype is

>dude what if Pocahontas in space in water took 10 years to make and was actually Pocahontas in Duke Nukem Forever in space in water?

Haha le Intentional cringe

>dude what if the movie from my childhood wasn't really as important as I thought it was


If it’s so inconsequential why are you committed to killing this thread with your cringe?

if it's not the extended version then why bother

You're right the government is paying me to stop the sequel to a decade old movie from being successful by shitposting in your dying thread.

Tbh I prefer the original theatrical cut, all the fat is cut out from what is already a long movie

nice, outing yourself as a zoomer too busy shitting diapers to appreciate avatar

Avatar is a children's movie.

then why aren't you watching it?

Shitposting should be funny though

Even the target audience who were children when this came out are adults by now.

I'm sorry it hurts your feelings that I don't mindlessly shill for another shitty sequel from a dead IP.

Idc about that, You’re just not funny

cry about it