The Batman (2022)

Completely generic action movie dominated static actors that deliver clichéd lines. Unfortunately I had to stop watching it at the bit where Wine Aunt-Muttwoman had a rant about "white male privilege", while she is a jewish negro hybrid who is only in the film business through deep rooted nepotism.

Final verdict: 1.5* out of 5*.

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I don't think the opinions of people who didn't even watch the whole movie should matter

>Unfortunately I had to stop watching it at the bit where Wine Aunt-Muttwoman had a rant about "white male privilege", while she is a jewish negro hybrid who is only in the film business through deep rooted nepotism.


the first half was better than the second half

Literally worse than Batman and robin

Why are all the people in Hollywood railing against 'privilege' invariably the most privileged, nepotistically connected people on earth?
I read a week ago that something like 60% of Hollywood actors are Jewish, against a 2% Jewish quotient in the broader population. And THESE people are lecturing whites about 'systemic racism' and 'white privilege'?

it automatically gets 2 stars out of 5 minimum because it triggers Any Forums

Someone post the Jewish standup """comedian""" making fun of white people having manual labor jobs and instantly getting mad when someone mentions TV work


ok, did the schlomos open a can of rescue brownies to save Gotham and then everybody clapped?

turned of MIB when the opening scene showed a black "woman" president spouting a load of buzzwords, subsequently I rated it 0,5*. it's a tough job but somebody has to do it

You have to admit Zoe kravitz was fucking hot in that movie. You know you thought it pinky

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Dude, I got connections to the fucking music industry and live like a piece of shit and never crossed my mind even being a musician to want to use my connections to play country pop in a live band. You’re probably right but a lot of people don’t use those connections.

>actress using her connections? no, there's plenty of women who aren't actresses and didn't use their connections
Nice argument

Why couldn't Batman handle some random incels with guns?

She was insanely hot, she's a high cheek stacy.

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she improves a lot when she wears a wig due to her pretty face. without wig she has a very unattractive "woke look" with disgusting curly short hair which spoils her otherwise pretty features

also, very ugly small tits, and misshapen too, not quite saggy yet, but will get there and deflate within a few years unless dr. Shekelstein fixes them

3* out of 5* all things considered (which is lenient)

ridiculously based

there was action in it, but by no means a action movie. go watch a Expendables film for action.

Dude, she could of lived off a trust fund the rest of her life. She’s like 3rd generation into that western media tycoon. I doubt she even believes what she said is right. Even the point of the movie is that it mirrors our society. World falling apart some black person comes with this stupid Obama tier analogy and Bruce Wayne himself said nothing would change. Movies more of a fucking crime drama than anything else. Dude, hypocritical blaming some stupid in fad slogan sells the movie as left leaning. As in the movie Bruce Wayne says that nothing will change and we’ll eventually eat ourself. Gothams a shitty city with loads of corruption and nothing literally changes. Theirs never a black savior or white savior just a rich guy avenging against crime because the one thing he loved most was taken from a two bit criminal. Sorry, it wasn’t Guardian of the galaxy vol.3

she looks like she fucks white men, exclusively

>The Dark Knight Rises
>Batman super spine
>All police go into tunnels because ?
>Random old Robin

pure kino!!!

Cool rant, that doesn't stop the fact some whore only in the movie via nepotism cried about privilege. Just because you have a negress fetish doesn't mean it's justified
>Dude, she could of lived off a trust fund the rest of her life. She’s like 3rd generation into that western media tycoon
That makes it more stupid to cry about privilege, if anything

all I saw was some nerd in a gay suit bounce around the concrete and whisper

Catwoman was easily the worst part of the movie, but pretending to be mad at the "white men" line, or going so far as to lie and say it made you turn the movie off, is extremely cringe.