So Otto and Alicent are the good guys, right? These two spoiled faggots think they can get away with anything...

So Otto and Alicent are the good guys, right? These two spoiled faggots think they can get away with anything. And the king is a capricious retard who goes with whatever the last person told him. At this point I'm rooting for the Targaryens to get their shit pushed in. Where's Bobby B when you need him?

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Demon in particular is irritating.

In that kind of setting someone would've poisoned him by now.

Stop fucking shilling your shitty show

pic related is going to be the only good person in the entire show. She hasn't shown up yet though

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Monke won't even be around after Ep 6. A shame, since she's a fantastic actress. Hope the new girl can keep up.


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Bump, you guys are rooting for Otto right?

Yep. We serve the realm.

Tradwife she going to be OK?

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They can get away with anything because they have dragons. H*ghtowers and greenscum need to use underhanded tricks and political machinations to have any chance because the Targaryens absolutely mog them otherwise. It’s not even close.

Even in a fantasy medieval costume, she still looks like a average gen Z instagrammer. Impressive. And kinda sad.

Why was monke so fucking horny this episode?

There's no really good guys, but yes, Daemon and Rhaenyra are fucking retards that should have never been allowed to live.

This is GRR
there and no black and white good guys or bad guys, just shades of gay

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analogy for how teenaged girls get affected by online porno.

No one is the good guy in this specific conflict.

>just shades of gay
Then why the hell has she still not had a sex scene?

I dunno Otto seems pretty based to me. He's smart, self-interested, and undoubtedly has some care for the realm without being a blubbering mess like Viserys. He's not complete scum like Roose Bolton or heartless like Tywin. His daughter has her head on straight so far and shows some capacity for loyalty to her friends.

The Targs on the other hand are all decadent fags.

>hasnt seen episode IV yet

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Otto is a fag like Varys was a fag. wifeless loser serving the “realm” while sowing seeds of mistrust everywhere he goes and whoring his daughter off. Daemon should have just burned him alive and be done with it

Yea, otto and alicent are the good guys. All the people arguing for team black is solely for feminism shit where
>its her turn!!!!!
despite ignoring the egregious mistakes rhaenyra made already, and the hypocrisy of her inheriting the throne, despite if women could inherit her line never would have had it, as another woman was passed over for her father to be king. Hypocrisy.

Further, the lords main issue with her succession was the obvious 3 bastards which are now her heirs, and don't even look valyrian, but also marrying Daemon, who was the reason why she was even heir. Like the council agreed to make her heir, just so daemon wouldn't be. And retard decides to marry him, bringing him right to the throne like the council was trying to stop. Then she's all shocked when everyone turns on her. Shes such a dumbfuck.