Name 1 movie where cheese is a key component of the plot

Name 1 movie where cheese is a key component of the plot

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Mouse Hunt

>quiet now, I need complete total silence
>otherwise I'm not gon' be able to execute this here uh...

wallace and gromit is based

That Wallace and Gromit movie where they go to the moon

Actually, my name isn't cheese. It's Dean Pritchard.

Attached: entourage.jpg (333x333, 91.92K)

Attached: cheese procedure.jpg (259x194, 8.52K)

Wallace and Gromit

Don't know any

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Naked Gun series
anything leslie nielsen

bros... why did he build a rocket to the moon instead of just popping down to the shops

10/10 answer.

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I came here to post this and am pleased to see it was the first post.

Attached: MV5BNjA5MGQyZDctZGEyYy00OTFmLTk2NmEtNDFlZmI0ZWNhMzNlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTAxODYyODI@._V1_[1].jpg (1059x571, 382.21K)


>Superbowl's in Detroit this year
>Oh boy. Detroit.
>Yup... the home of Robocop.

Attached: enchiladitos, they make you wanna eat em.gif (500x317, 1.61M)


Diary of a Wimpy Kid


Attached: a6d.jpg (948x701, 53.77K)