Watch this instead of tranime and capeshit

Watch this instead of tranime and capeshit.

Attached: images (27).jpg (456x673, 53.3K)

Teen drama is for women

libshit garbage

>wahhh it sucks to be a privileged white boi in the greatest era in western history!
>some drama nerd kills himself
>Oh captain my captain
There I saved everyone 2 hours

>main characters are literally gays
what did OP mean by this?

Oh Sneed, my Feed!

Homosexuel softcore

maybe I will search for more in education movies, already saw that

>expresses grief over best friend's death
>Somehow this is gay
Kys,may Allah forgive me for uttering this word,woman

what, I didnt say that


Women are the ones who indulge in teen drama

In the bottom half of Peter Weir’s filmography desu. I think everyone on this board knows about his boatkino (Master and Commander) and Truman Show. Picnic at Hanging Rock is my suggestion.

I found this film so dumb
My father don't wan' me to be a poet then I'll kill myself even if I'm 17yo 11 month and 364 yo old and next year I could legaly do whatever I wan't

This is libtard propaganda. It’s a justification for pedo faggot teachers trying to convince students to troon out

Attached: Dead Poets Society Janny is in charge here.webm (640x360, 2.29M)

name a dozen other worthwhile Robin Williams filns

>Bunch of white men reading poetry

Miss me with that faggot shit.

a teacher friend of mine hates this movie
he's not one of those faggot teachers who got into the industry to pick people's genders
He legit tries to teach people and inspire them to learn.
Learn anything, really but have a genuine interest in acquiring knowledge.
Anyway it always stuck with me that one of the only teachers I respect absolutely loathes this

>Picnic at Hanging Rock is my suggestion.
entry fucking level.
try Green Card.

>super secret club is just reading some poems in a cave
What a bunch of dorks.

The cave was an allegory for Robin Williams fucking them in the mouth and asshole.

It’s saved by the director and aesthetics but the plot is actually very anti White

what was the inter one where Leonardo decarpio was really clever and could speak mathematics or something and Robin Williams was his high-school teacher in the ghetto and had to motivate him

same plot as dirty dancing
one even dies the same and the guy is sacked and blamed for it

They do this to try and score chicks. Meanwhile lunkheads playing lacrosse or whatever are fucking them.

Poetry doesn't work on thots.

The kid from Jumanji!
