Hey chud, you're going to hell and there's nothing you can do about it

>Hey chud, you're going to hell and there's nothing you can do about it.

Attached: clayton-pinhead.jpg (2048x1088, 107.72K)

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Can't be any worse than this chump

Attached: fathead.jpg (939x528, 35.4K)

Yeah, Revelations was really bad. Jamie is cute at least.

Pinhead was female in the original novel either way, and was just a one off side character.

It’s a tranny lol

Hey Jim Norton was perfect in that roll

Don't pretend you wouldn't.

Attached: 2euukg7cja751.jpg (640x800, 70.96K)

Attached: female pinhead.jpg (1000x1658, 235.66K)

She is attractive

I would get freaky with any female-presenting character in Sense8, and so would you

I heard his man voice lol no thanks. In a movie with old busted ass Chloe Sevigny looking like a dude, can still easily tell the difference

Attached: Chloe.jpg (750x422, 73.96K)

Way more than Hunter.

Attached: 7c303c5f2d4972b0c8286e35287d8bab.jpg (751x1207, 101.14K)

definitely would in a heartbeat. especially because he probably has a huge fucking cock

Official sountrack and thread theme

Shemale pinhead makes a lot of sense.

I know everyone has heard it all before but "she" has an open wound between her legs and zero natural libido. That's gross. You guys need to lay off the porn.

I'd solve her box, if you know what I mean.

what the fuck is this term can you faggots please just stop making shit up

And the answer is teratoma.

I was thinking lately that I might try to date a tranny they can be cute and I can just claim I’m “asexual” and cuddle them only, and just live in the illusion of that without having to have sex with them. Thoughts?

Wouldn't what, have sex with an airbushed make up slathered over 21 roastie with a boring body? Yeah not all of us are desperate enough to put up with some hags shit behaviour just to put our dinkie inher stinkie discoloured roastbeef sandwich user.


Doesn’t have one lol