I finally saw empire of dust after years of memes...

I finally saw empire of dust after years of memes, and holy fuck I didn't imagine that getting a truck of gravel would be a challange so big. Really this movie should be mandatory in every school.
I'm sure that if colonialists made movies about their construction projects 100-500 years ago, it would have been the same situation. It would be interesting to have a followup on the situation of the project tho since they said that they would stay 20 years there

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/details/empire-of-dust_DVD_Quality/Empire of Dust (2011).mkv

This is the future of North America and Europe if population replacement continues unimpeded.

>I'm sure that if colonialists made movies about their construction projects 100-500 years ago, it would have been the same situation.
Getting shit done is hard but there's a reason whites made the country with the biggest GDP on Earth on an entire other continent in a few centuries while blacks have spent a bazillion years in Africa and have nothing

In 2007, the Democratic Republic of Congo struck a $6 billion deal with the Chinese Railway Engineering Company to develop their national infrastructure in exchange for access to Katanga’s mineral reserves, which are worth more than $50 billion. Empire of Dust is a documentary about the Chinese attempt to build a 300 kilometer road connecting Kolwezi with Katanga Province’s capital, Lubumbashi.

Lao Yang, a Chinese man who is Head of Logistics, is responsible for the building materials. His interpreter is a Congolese named Eddy, who is fluent in Mandarin. The film depicts the cultural differences between the Congolese and the Chinese, which make cooperation almost impossible. When the chief is due to visit the site, the road is nowhere near finished. The Chinese, who have flown in just for the project, often talk about the Congolese in blatantly racist terms, and the Congolese in turn seem reluctant to lift a finger for their Chinese bosses.

The Chinese workers are dissatisfied with the lack of communication among the native workers, which they see as essential for productivity. At one point in the documentary, the workers miscount when loading a truck and are missing materials upon arrival. Lao Yang is told by a worker that he cannot contact the "gravel guy" because the guy rarely answers his phone in the morning. Lao Yang replies that it's already past 12:00 PM. The phrase "It's all so tiresome" is spoken by a frustrated Lao Yang in reaction to his experience working with the Africans.

>The phrase "It's all so tiresome" is spoken by a frustrated Lao Yang in reaction to his experience working with the Africans.

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it's really boring. we all knew niggers were worthless. I don't get it. fuck the Chinese for giving these dirt apes any money at all. suits the chinks considering they're about to be africa tier anyway.

I wonder if he knows how much impact this one line would have, I think it almost daily, and it's constantly posted here

He'd find it tiresome.

>it's really boring
I didn't find it boring, but is not an high energy documentary, is a torture as it should be, the only thing that I didn't really like was the radio, but it made sense.
>we all knew
it doesn't look like that tho and a lot of people would say that the film is racist or bs like that if they saw it now.
>fuck the Chinese for giving these dirt apes any money at all
I agree with you and they are making the same mistake of the eurpeans, but you can only "soft colonize" now, chinese are doing it for their own return at the end

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The blacks are dumb but Lao is an asshat.

probably thinking hey! why is my image all over some retarded fucking basket weaving image board?

What would you do instead?

Where can I watch this. I've reposted quotes for years but never seen it

bro there's no return for China anymore. they've locked millions of people's bank accounts for over a month now. they are starving their citizens. another like 2 million are being welded shut in their homes. the Chinese real estate market has dropped by almost 1000% in the last months. china's entire economy was based on their bullshit paper tiger real estate market anyway. it's all fake. it's all posturing. it always has been. Chinese people are the dumbest people that have ever inhabited this planet. the entire world hates them, their Asian brothers most of all. fuck China and fuck the Chinese people, I hope they all die miserably. fucking insects

now watch Africa Addio

Obviously it's going to take a lot of work for you to deal with people who have no idea what they're doing. It's like trying to get a bunch of children at the beach to make a a scale model of the Lincoln Memorial out of sand and then being surprised that they suck at it.


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i worked with african niggers. they are truly low iq subhumans. corrupt, lazy, dumb faggots

>they want to drive the truck off without it being sealed properly
so kino. Eddie getting a win with the "made in china" thing is my favourite bit I think.

use this, the yt link is sd archive.org/details/empire-of-dust_DVD_Quality/Empire of Dust (2011).mkv

apparently you've never worked with strictly Chinese firms. they're the exact same way. they have no fucking idea what's going on ever. they're BARELY above saharan niggers. the Chinese are so subhuman it's actually unreal

But the thing is blacks are stuck at the same mental level of toddlers of other races. Blacks have an average of 80 IQ.

user you fucking rule
i've known about this doc for 10+ years but never came across a higher quality of it and so i never watched it all the way through, thank you dude im watching this tonight

>the Chinese real estate market has dropped by almost 1000% in the last months
Never talk to me again

Don’t forget Rhodesia and 80s white flight resulting in a once prosperous nation falling into dark times. Well done Mugabe

>the Chinese real estate market has dropped by almost 1000%
I don't think that's how math works bro

South Africa going full Zimbabwe will be a real sight.

lol what is all this bullshit

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kill yourself chang. it's by literally all accounts, over. you've never had a single competent leader. you'll be the empire of dust in 10 years. God bless you.

Empire of dust is such a kino documentary, you don't see a single white man yet he is everywhere in the background from the language to the cities to the infrastructure.
It's a glimpse into the world if white people vanished overnight 10 years before.

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