Which way white man?

which way white man?

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I'll just stick with the books and avoid all the bad fan fiction

I'm black, but i'm going right.

Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings. The definitive version of the story.

both shitty fanfic

people who write expanded universe stuff should actually like and respect the source material


Whats on the right?

I think I'll turn around and go back.

the shitty WB LOTR beat em up game where Celebrimbor has created ONE MORE ring of power which imbues the protagonist "tallion" with his dead ghost and gives him super fighting powers

a videogame which also shat on the lore with black gondorians and other nonsene

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it's kino and way better than the shitty show

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There is only one black Gondorian in the entire game and he's from Harad

this way

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>Celebrimbor forges the One Ring
>and he merges with Sauron
Yeah, no. It's straight trash. Even more insulting to the story than Amazon's bastardization.

Sounds based pirating it now

>There is only one black Gondorian in the entire game
thats already too many

they both suck fuck off zoomer

It's actually astonishing that game writers explained why there's a black men in their story unlike Amazon's monkeys

right is hotter


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word out on the street is that Halbrand is Sauron in disguise

Attached: Rings Of Power - S01E01 - Sauron.webm (1728x720, 2.36M)

Still the best Tolkien adaptation.

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One is fanfic that passes itself off as canon one is fanfic that admits its fanfic

>black gondorians
He wasn't a gondorian, he's a Haradrim slave that was given to Gondor as some sort of token of friendship

It's definitely not shitty. You can dislike the story for lore reasons but you can't deny how fun and well made shadow of mordor is. The combat is extremely fluid and satisfying and the nemesis system is absolute kino.

Elf wraiths are canon you know.
And he didn't make the ring in the first game

>black gondorians
There's one and they explained that he's from Harad and there's even a DLC with him going back to Harad to find his brother. The writers did more with this game than Amazon's writers did with their show.

That wasn't harad. That was still mordor.

It's orders of magnitude less bad, the game for one thing is actually good.

He's not a Gondorian, he's a literal foreigner who was adopted by Gondorians. His DLC adventure was also really high-effort, rather than give him Tallion's ghost powers nonsensically he uses a bunch of gadgets made by a dwarf to kinda-sorta emulate them but not quite.

And it's tokenism bullshit with the added perk of pairing him with a white woman, as always.

It's a great game. Kill yourself

If they made an all white game they would have been torn apart. Look at Kingdom Come: Deliverance. A game said in medieval Bohemia, and journos still cried about there being 0 non white representation beyond bludgeoning Asiatic cumans.

Tallion was surprisingly a good tragic hero, but you only know this at the very end.