Such as in south Africa and, uh, the Iraq

>such as in south Africa and, uh, the Iraq

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>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who don't have maps

men will dunk on stupid women and be intimidated by intelligent ones, we can't win

if you can be intelligent while still being feminine then you're golden

britney spears was hot

>not knowing Miss Teen South Carolina
Britney is probably quite a bit smarter than her


I wonder what she's doing these days.

In both cases, women act like they know best and are better than you.

Not in the face. She look retarded. And if she wasnt wearing some pedo outfit, no one cared. Typical basic bitch.

Even funnier was when she appeared on a talk show later and gave a really basic answer to the same question and everyone clapped for her like she was a retard

It's easy and amusing to make fun of her, but OTOH it's remarkable how a 7/10 piggy can reach the age of majority without having to form a coherent sentence. Don't get me wrong, we all have our faults, but hers are interesting to consider. An Extreme Tutorial Mode Brain, she is completely content in the world and feels absolutely no meaningful personal difficulty. If she had ever suffered to even a moderate degree, a grandmother's extended cancer, a bad divorce among the parents, her ability with language and communication might have developed somewhat.

Even feminists display a certain form of backward intellectual curiosity, because of their dissatisfaction with the world. This creature flourished near the peak of western civilization, young, blonde, dumb, and happy, with no need to qualify herself to others. It was enough to be coddled by all during her development into adolescence. She was always serene unto herself, never needing to prove herself to anyone else, unlike tnose nerds who write things. (Compare Nietzsche's description of the idealized ancient Greeks and various subalterns, including jews, in the Genealogy of Morality).

Then, one day, before all the world, and at a pageant, she was asked to give a political opinion.

She married her personal trainer and had a baby with him and now she sells real estate.

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She's easy to make fun of, but point out ever one thing she said that was wrong.

Anglo culture is anti-intellectual. People think you are weird and a nerd for knowing basic things like geography.

Meanwhile Democrats appointed a Supreme Court Justice that doesn't know what a "woman" is.

Women can only be intelligent when compared to other women. Their brains stop developing as teenagers. Men pretend women aren't retarded to fuck them, but this has compounded over the last few generations to everybody believing actual bullshit. Hence modern society degenerating. It's a self-correcting problem on a longer timescale.

I rather have those Amerimutts that can't even point their own state on a map than the ones who know some basic stuff and are somewhat illiterate. There's nothing more disgusting than hearing a mutt talking about Europe. "Irish? Catholic, mafia, unga, unga"

she just got nervous
it was a big deal to her, she didn't know the question beforehand, the spotlight is on her and she slipped
frankly she did it with poise, she didn't break down or cry or apologize, she held her ground even when not making sense, I would have awarded her points (for sucking my dick in my hotel room)

Amazing summary.

Lmao imagine being haunted by the for your entire life. Her stupidity has endured longer than any meme out there.

Imagine not knowing the first thing about female, let alone human behavior and thinking

I've said it time and time again...POISE COUNTS!!

I once had to give a presentation to my college class, like 100 people in attendance. My eyes started to water and I felt super hot. Soon as I told a preplanned joke, everyone laughed and it was like a flip had switched. Suddenly I was relaxed and loose and the whole presentation flowed out of me like the salmon of Capistrano. Actually, that's not what happened at all. Nobody laughed at my joke and I became even more hot and now tears were forming in my eyes cause...idk why. I abandoned all my planning after the joke bombed and rushed through a 15 minute presentation in 3 minutes.

Ah see, that's where you're wrong, kiddo. Women do feel haunted by things, but they're usually all over vanity. You know damn well she gets reminded of this shit.

This is the fault of white men. When you value looks over everything else what do you expect to happen?

tits or gtfo