Based Miyazaki

>Miyazaki, at the time, reflected on the destructive messages he often found in Hollywood films. According to him, these films tend to push a narrative that believes wrongdoing can only be punished through bloodshed, and that the slaying of countless lives of innocent individuals is permissible so long as it brings retribution to evildoers.

>“Americans shoot things and they blow up and the like, so as you’d expect, they make movies like that,” Miyazaki expressed at the time. “If someone is the enemy, it’s okay to kill endless numbers of them. Lord of the Rings is like that.”

>Continuing on, Miyazaki stated, “The Lord of the Rings is a movie that has no problem doing that [not separating civilians from enemies, apparently]. If you read the original work, you’ll understand, but in reality, the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans. Those who don’t know that, yet say they love fantasy are idiots.”

>“Even in the Indiana Jones movies, there is a white guy who, ‘bang,’ shoots people, right? Japanese people who go along and enjoy with that are unbelievably embarrassing,” Miyazaki reportedly stated in a resurfaced interview. “You are the ones that, ‘bang,’ get shot. Watching [those movies] without any self-awareness is unbelievable. There’s no pride, no historical perspective.”

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Nobody gives a rat’s ass about ‘innocents’, Tolkien certainly didn’t.

Shut up old hack

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He's right, but everyone will just call him mad

This is reddit fedora tier cringe, my God what a fag

>Miyazaki bellowed calmly

>Criticizing America and their empty movies of superficial instant gratification is fedora cringe



>the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans.
lmao what a pussy

Have fun with your shit movies while the rest of the world has movies that deal with real people and real issues.

Alright, enjoy your insipid family drama.

He didn't fly so good.

>"Yes, I hate them" said Miyazaki regarding people of Jewish ancestry
>"They just seem to pop up in every institution, don't they? Every vile thing, every new poison, it's always promoted by one of them, isn't it?"
>"I hate niggers, too" the 81 year-old director added with a wink

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He's still mad about the nukes

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Retard called LOTR American when the author is British, and the director is from New Zealand.

He has to have radioactive poisoning affecting his brain.

>and that the slaying of countless lives of innocent individuals is permissible so long as it brings retribution to evildoers.
Except that literally doesn't happen, even in the kinds of movies he's complaining about.

The entire industry and technologies that allowed him to become a celebrated and successful artist are thanks to Americans, and this is how he talks about them. Ending western imperialism was a mistake, what an ungrateful backstabbing fuck.

His justification for doing so is a bunch of cringe-worthy hyper-moralistic libshit nonsense that basically boils down to " the movies are bad because THE BAD GUY GETS HURT OMG BUT WHAT ABOUT THEIR FEEEEEEEEEEEELINGS?????".

I agree with him. But what are him favorite movies, then?

We really should have nuked them back to the dark ages instead of making those animals go from imperialist genocidal empire to liberal thriving democracy.

He's just mad about the nukes like most old, stubborn Japanese guys.

>real people and real issues.
Funny way of spelling "trannies and white people being mean to non-white people".


He also likes to draw underage girls in panties. Go figure.

That is how it has been with literally every country on Earth. No matter what America does, literally all they will ever do is bitch and complain. There's literally no pleasing them. No matter what you do they'll claim that they wanted you to do the opposite. The reality is they just want to complain.

>Noooo think of the Orcrinoooooo.


Yes. Any fantasy story where the heroes fight an army of "subhumans", be it orcs, haradrim, clone troopers, or capeshit alien fodder, is inherently childish. It's for audiences who are enamoured by how warriors are LE EPIC AND COOL, yet can't face the reality that in war, the enemy also has a face, a life, a family etc. So the author dodges this by representing the enemy as a horde of subhumans. Miyazaki has lots of stories about war, but he never ever uses the subhuman horde trope.

>If you read the original work, you’ll understand, but in reality, the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans.
No they aren't.

African children don't pass the mirror test until about 6 years.

I think more people ought to understand that the Orcs represent the worst aspects of humanity, and not any specific group.