Be honest are your posts at this board genuine sincere and honest

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except they kick you in the face with advertising

Thats a fairly sane take, what it doesn't account for is media corps taking ips people already like and then corrupting them into bullshit propaganda that is only enjoyed by the most vocal cunts on twitter.
I don't get mad at shit soap operas because they arent for me but when they butcher something I already liked then they deserve to be called out on it.

You first.

If the backend leak of this website is true then most posters from this board are from south asia

thats the world of a junkie, the world of a heroin addict. the world of a democrat


They do?

you only get advertised stuff that you're interested in. It's all tailored to you. If you're seeing something it's your fault.

This might be the dumbest thing I've ever read on this website.

I spoke with her on the femgen discord in dms, she gives blowjobs to people that drive her to comic con and whatever other conventions she goes to, last I heard she is a male that tries to look as female as possible, which at the time I found quite rare to see

She is right though why did you enter at this thread for no particular reason at all

Do you not know how cookies and algorithms work you fucking retarded reddit boomer?
What you see is tailored to you.

And you don't even have to see adds, anywhere, running an add blocker is not hard. Torrenting is not hard.

So companies only want the people already interested in consuming their product to consume their product? Retard.

opinion discarded

No, they want people who are interested, and people who are vehemently uninterested. If you will click on something, they will give you more things like that to click on.

outrage and hatred are just as good as enjoyment and fandom.

The reason why you think the media landscape and the world is the way it is is because you are obsessed with it being that way, and they will feed you more of it, because it makes them money.

Hey retard I don't want to see advertisements at all. I don't give a flying fuck how tailored they are to me, 9 times out of 10 an advertisement is thrust on me when I don't want it and 10 times out of 10 I have no fucking interest in what its selling.
How many times have you seen an ad for fucking Raid shadow Legends or some shit? Did you actually spend any money after that on Raid Shadow Legends tm?
Hey I love LotR, the books and the movies, yet I have no interest in RoP for various reasons. Doesn't mean I havent been forced to watch numerous ads for it though.

>Go outside
>Billboard is tailored to my cookies
>Discussions with coworkers are derermined by algorithms
This isn't even getting into how terrible marketing algos are. A few years ago I requested the marketing data FaceBook categorized me into and they listed my hobbies as "triangle" and "pakistan standard time".

a world without criticism would just take anything but extremely enthusiastic praise as criticism instead. it's like in north korea where if you applaud the great leader you still get shot out back if you don't clap long enough.

None of this are true at all

Attached: twitter.jpg (562x600, 66.18K)

>How many times have you seen an ad for fucking Raid shadow Legends or some shit?
during some podcasts, other than that, never.

>Hey I love LotR, the books and the movies, yet I have no interest in RoP for various reasons. Doesn't mean I havent been forced to watch numerous ads for it though.
I love LOTR too, the books and the movies, and I have literally never been forced to watch an add for RoP.

Why don't you sort you fucking shit out and get an addblocker. Just how retarded are boomers from reddit? Seriously, it's not complicated at all to not see adds.

This is the argument of a simpleton because there's more to it than that.

Company makes product 30 years ago, it becomes a success with a modest amount of customers who financially support it.

Another company then buys the rights to that product purely because they want the existing customers to keep buying it and change it heavily to bring in new customers.

Any customers criticizing the changes are deemed as wrong thinkers because the company calls their marketing tactics, social justice.

Except literally everything in the cinema is some superhero crap or shit remake aimed at an international audience.
If you like cinema then that is gonna upset you.

>on a board where stuff is advertised/shilled as genuine posting

If you hate advertisements then the human economy would die and that is a bad thing