Tons of movies have sexy men

>Tons of movies have sexy men
>the number of movies with sexy women have decreased dramatically
When exactly, did this happen?

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Are there any good TITS movies on Netflix?

>Let me say something before we get off the gay thing. I don't want my views misunderstood. I am the most tolerant person on that of anybody in this shop. They have a problem. They're born that way. You know that. That's all. I think they are. Anyway, my point is, though, when I say they're born that way, the tendency is there. My point is that Boy Scout leaders, YMCA leaders, and others bring them in that direction, and teachers. And if you look over the history of societies, you will find, of course, that some of the highly intelligent people. Oscar Wilde, Aristotle, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, were all homosexuals. Nero, of course, was, in a public way, in with a boy in Rome. They can do it. Just leave them alone. That's a lifestyle I don't want to touch.
>But it's not just the ratty part of town. The upper class in San Francisco is that way. The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time — it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd. I can't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco. Decorators. They got to do something. But we don't have to glorify it. You know one of the reasons fashions have made women look so terrible is because the goddamned designers hate women. Designers taking it out on the women. Now they're trying to get some more sexy things coming on again.

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Does Netflix even show nudity anymore? i mean, in their original programming.

Perhaps youre turning gay?

When pirating took over. Only women pay for TV now so they're the main demographic.


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Ordinary women aren't threatened by women 99.9% of men could never attain, right?

How much of that is CG because his movement is kinda janky. Not doubting dude is ripped IRL, but you think they embellished?

its like those romance movies for women where she is fat but the guy is hot and theres some sort of message about whats on the inside. despite the fact the guy is smokin

Hot women are more wanted by men, which makes ordinary looking women seethe.

Around 2012 onwards, Star Trek Into the Darkness was one of the last high profile movies with a scene like this and the media attack against meant the actress was removed from the sequel. The creators apologized for it.

The Actual Reason this is all happening is the same reason companies are pushing for diversity and it's now wokeness, that's just the excuse. It's homogenization of entertainment, why make 4 different things that appeal to different tastes, when you can make 1 thing and use marketing and social engineering to convince more people to buy it.

>and the media attack against meant the actress was removed from the sequel.
Wait, really?

troons happened
can't offend the troons

My wife was watching the new Bridgerton and I was surprised at how much nudity they have in it, with actually hot women. Still follows the trend ITT of the dudes are almost always front and center no matter what. They did a wet t-shirt of the main guy in the 2nd season while the ladies gawk and I horse laughed.

It's like they spent so long bitching about how bad husbands were in the 50s that they ended up becoming just like them beat for beat, it's quite surreal. If my wife didn't admit to the absurd hypocrisy of it all, I wouldn't have let her watch it. Canceled Netflix anyways, its got like 4 days left. I should've never let her keep it when I moved in with her, but live and learn.

Also I couldn't tell whether the black characters like the queen were supposed to be assholes or just sassy, cause from what i paid attention to the white people acted nothing like that except for their comic tier villains. Honk honk I guess, we live in a society and all that. When will they start catering to autists lmao

Not sure if my gf watches that or not ,but it sounds like a typical Netflix pozzjob.

A lot of trannies and fat ugly women complain when hot females are shown and the dried up old studio executives feel dried up when they see smoking young actresses.

I thought the first season marked a bit of a backpedal from Netflix, it's full of black people and shit but also truly beautiful women and from what I saw they actually spent money and time and effort on costumes which I can appreciate in this day and age of running around on a Soundstage covered in ping-pong balls. Unfortunately for them, it didn't, and they will backpedal but it will be a dollar short and a day late so fuck them.

Aren't most casting directors lesbian now? Would actually explain a lot of casting choices in the past ~10 years

female beauty standards have fallen but male beauty standards remain unchanged