People don’t fuck with me

People don’t fuck with me
People don’t fuck with me
People don’t fuck with me
People don’t fuck with me

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unless they are sam hyde and the irs apparently

john carmack

>he wasn't in the moms skit because Sam decided to be a kike faggot

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How am I supposed to trust some rando on Any Forums?

There comes a point where you sort of accept the rumors as plausible given that nothing ever comes out about Sam to the contrary
Everything paints a disturbingly consistent picture on how he is behind the scenes

I didn't want to believe that Sam is a piece of shit but there's a reason why the only old MDE person who talks to him now is Nick, who is pretty desperate for money, reading behind the lines. Thanks Computer, most people who did his music, Jan, Charls, a few people who dropped out of his COM98 project all actively dislike him.
He surrounded himself with unfunny zoomers, of whom only Jet seems likeable, because he needs to people around to scam and do his job for him.

This would be believable except Charls was in Dads.

Nick is highly successful, ownes a antique business for fuck sakes lmao. Like many others people distance themselves from sam due to social pressures from the left controlled media. People who obsessively hate sam are even mode pathetic then his pay pigs; larp more loser

Watched Charls Twitch streams a few times. Seems like a legit schizo

His antique business closed and he's trying to start it again, my dude. He has said that he had to go back to selling cars to make ends meet. Check the instagram for Chamonix and their business profiles.

>thinly veiled Hassan defense squad thread

Almost like the government harrased small buisness with thousands of dollars in fines if they didnt close down, wow, how shocking. Truly must mean that nick is so desperate for money that he willingly stays around a person he despises constantly and such an amazing actor that he can fake a friendship and chemistry with him for years. Yes nick is truly a mastermind manipulator doing it all for money despite being successful and having money already. Again, you seething larpers are just sad, you obsess over a guy who made silly comedy videos and make and belive you crazy fanfics

mde fans are the weirdest larpers on the internet, truly the weirdest bunch of freaks i've ever communicated with some years ago

Charls was the outsider in the trio. Nick and Sam were friends and then they brought Charls in. Charls had a tough time being the third and I’m sure Sam did some crazy things to haze him. After everything with adult swim blew up Sam probably did something to ruin their relationship since Charls hung out with Sam and did content with him for a while then it abruptly stopped.

the ones that consider Sam to unironically be a modern Diogenes (who also ironically, eat up the merch he shits on a plate for them) are the most deranged.

No one thinks that, same with people who like peterson; they make interesting points and are entertaining and people who dislike them for one reason or another overly conflate what their viewers actually believe in a snide attempt to completely discredit an individual without actually trying to understand them or why people find them interesting. This is human nature though and unsurprising

Its okay Channing. Sam cant hurt you anymore. Just let it go broseph.


every time i've seen his streams i have no idea what's happening
his viewers seem to operate on the same level of skitzo as him, too

sam really showed his true colors with vmudream

They call me, 9 months

Isn't that Sam's ex girlfriends name? Then case in point to be fair kek