Watch war movies

>watch war movies
>every one has a stern face all throughout the movie
>watch Ukraine war footage
>everytime someone gets bombed they have a goofy expression

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because they just lost the ability to hear forever? do you not have a single empathetic bone in your entire body you NPC cattle?

'scared shitless'
all notions of ego bravado go out the window when you've been beaten to factory reset mode of SURVIVE

Then why is he wasting time doing a reaction video

what would you do in this situation, raised in the same modern world, no one to cry or appeal to than the faceless cold internet in your pocket?

maybe he's been hanging out with the Chechen tiktok brigade too much

can I get qrd?

What's this from?

discord trannies raiding again

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Dumb basedjak poster

Kubrick would show it the way it is.

russian pontoon operation getting shelled, he got his eardrums blown out

Invaders are getting smoked and people are laughing.

>russian troops ambushed crossing a pontoon bridge
>few of his buddies get shot while private goofy mcBylatson gets his hearing fucked up, but not before taking a few selfies

link to vid?

imagine hearing nothing out of one ear and a constant EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE in the other for the rest of your life
not my problem though shouldn't have invaded LMAOOOOOOOOO

for free?

only the redditors. the actual glowies get paid

Eardrums heal in weeks or months depending on the damage in case you didn't know

He got a ticket home. That would probably saved his life.

Guy's doing a soi face for a clickbait thumbnail

Tinnitus bros, how we holding up?