Society has collapsed

Society has collapsed.

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Furfag bros... we won.

>believing anything posted by "the american conservative"

i'm sure you think the daily mail is a credible source as well?

I only hope to live long enough to see the people that caused all this to die horrible deaths. Well that and I hope my son lives through the crucible so that he can help rebuild our once great civilization. I hold out no hope for myself.

why wouldn't it be?

>Daily Mail
Sensationalist often, but outright false no

pretty sure it's an opinion piece.


>it's okay to forcibly inseminate animals, keep them locked in cages, force feed them corn mush their entire lives, pump them full of steroids and slaughter them after they are fattened up
>but nooooo you can't heckin have sex with them, that's wrong and immoral!!!
meto*ds are retards, not into beastility but you can't be against that but be okay with factory farming, go vegetarian

Lemme guess, the slippery slope is a fallacy?

Seethe sodomite filth.

How come incest and pedophilia are still taboo. ?

This but unironically

>go vegetarian
or you could just choose to not be a retard, and seek out farmers and ranchers that don't do that and then buy from them
but let me guess you live in jew york

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We should do this to people.
Freedom was a mistake.

because you're posting off topic about some random dumbass and claiming that it's representative as society as a whole? flimsy.

There is no logical inconsistency like you've suggested. Animals are soulless things to be eaten and not to have sex with, as clearly described in the pentateuch. Animals are there for us to eat them, that is their purpose. Animals are not for sexual, and this is made very clear in the disease transmissions which come about as a consequence of going against God. To reply that "disease transmission also occurs as a result of food processing" is a canard which ignores the foundational instruction found in the pentateuch.


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opinion discarded

Two more weeks until Brandon is put in prison and Trump is reinstated as President

This but unironically, LGB!