Stop eating meat

Stop eating meat

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>Burger is made of money
I'd buy that.

I will never consume Soi

and gluten
and processed sugars
and non-local produce
wait, eggs are now ok again
and processed flour
and seed oils
and eggs again

Tastes good so no thanks.

There’s literally no reason, in the year 2022, for you not to be vegan beyond you being a backwards savage.

I'm a baby

Vegan diets are for the bourgeoisie.

Broccoli is my favorite vegetable.

>He doesn't think plants have feelings too.
My lettuce wilts for you...

I have canines

That movie is full of propaganda and disinformation. Not the kind faggot liberals talk about; they kind they perpetuate. I believe it was this movie where in the first 5 minutes some faggot says sugar has nothing to do with diabetes.

Tl;dw meat bad, vegan good

Doesn't taste good

We HAVE to get rid of this stigma that diabetes is 1) bad and 2) has to do with a person's eating habits. It's not and it doesn't.

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with meat I can knock out vegans and take they shit.

It's a cult.

I... must... consoom... meat...

Jesus made fish fly into the nets of his friends. After he rose from the dead they found him cooking fish.
He made both those fish and us. I'm fine.

>he needs a reason for everything he does

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Don't forget because Jesus participated in Jewish ceremonies in His life (despite not being Jewish), He definitely ate kosher-slaughtered lamb

I don't have to. It's just tasty. And the thought of all those animals in pain makes me hard.

Based and Willpilled